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Wednesday, May 18, 2011



There have been many civilizations that were more advanced than ours in every way, some that go back 500 million years.  Lemuria and Atlantis were two of the most recent that we know about.   Lemuria existed on a large continent where Australia and New Zealand and the Pacific islands are now.  The Lemurian culture flourished for tens of thousands of years and ended suddenly about thirteen years ago. 

Lemuria was a very spiritual civilization.   People vibrated at a fifth dimensional level and so lived in peace and harmony with each other and with all life on earth.  They honoured nature and had no fear of any creature because they were in tune with the essence of all beings.   They were able to merge their consciousness with trees and flowers and every living thing and they were at one with everything.

The Lemurian bodies were ethereal and so they could move easily between dimensions and could travel through time and space anywhere throughout the cosmos in their ethereal bodies.  They connected with stars and galaxies and with Beings of Light from other dimensions.

Because they could connect with each other through telepathy they did not talk a lot but they enjoyed socializing through games and sport and dancing.   Their capacity for joy and laughter and lightness enabled them to maintain a very high frequency.  Competition was unknown but they reached standards of excellence by co-operation and enjoyment.  There was no private ownership but they shared everything.  Their objective in life was to grow and experience spiritually.

They did not use writing but storytellers narrated and preserved their history.  Each storyteller could recite the complete history of Lemuria.   Storytellers were able to convert universal wisdom into stories that were easy to understand and remember.  Stories were also used to entertain people.

The Elders of Lemuria had a high degree of integrity and wisdom and they were acknowledged for their special gifts.  All Lemurians had access to Universal Wisdom but the Elders were the most advanced and it was their special work in society.   The Elders assisted anyone who needed them and were the teachers and educators of the young, helping them to develop their own special gifts.  They also helped the healers in regenerating of physical bodies and light bodies.

They built simple homes and because of their love of beauty they decorated them artistically with objects of natural beauty. The used sound and light extensively.  Through sound they could manipulate even the densest of objects.  They had many different kinds of sounds such as singing, toning, musical instruments and drums.  They could dematerialize and re-materialize enormous objects using certain sounds.

Light temples were constructed on energy vortices, which were gateways or portals into other dimensions.  The Light temples were used for healing and rejuvenation and for recreating Light bodies. Light Temples were doorways into other dimensions and fulfilled a number of functions, for instruction in spiritual and psychic abilities and teaching Universal Laws and Wisdom.  Through the Light Centres they received Gold Light for regenerating new cells. 

They lived long lives and death was a choice to leave the body when they knew they had completed their time on earth.  A celebration was held in a Light Centre with their friends and relations where they celebrated the departure of their loved one to higher levels.   

Before Lemuria sank into the ocean some of the wise ones travelled to Atlantis bringing their knowledge and wisdom with them.  This they encoded in a large crystal and brought it to Poseidon in Atlantis.   The blueprint for this planet was encoded and stored in a giant crystal known as Uluru or Ayers Rock.

A vast cosmic cycle was ending.  The tectonic plates in Lemuria were shifting and there were earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and tidal waves.   Some of the wise ones encoded messages in crystals which were “record keepers” and in crystal skulls to await the time when humanity would again be able to decode their messages.  That time is now when another vast cycle is coming to a close and we have an opportunity to awaken to the evolutionary potential that is available to everyone at this unique time.   

The New Golden Age is not a return to the enlightened eras of ancient civilizations but rather the creation of a new unprecedented time which is being created on earth.  It is a continuation of our present reality into a new evolutionary stage, the end of life as we know it and the birth of the seventh Golden Age which is predicted by many all over the world to begin at the winter solstice in December 2012.

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