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Monday, February 21, 2011

Neptune, the planet of Higher Spirituality.


Neptune is the most important astrological planet from now till 2012 and for years after that as well because it rules the process of enlightenment.  Neptune, the planet of higher spirituality opens the portal to spiritual awareness. 

Neptune was discovered in 1846.  It has now completed its first solar orbit through all twelve signs in 2011 and it will enter its own sign of Pisces on April 6th. 2011. 

Neptune in Pisces signals our connection with our Higher Selves. 
According to Barbara Marx Hubbard, one of the most enlightened teachers of our age, “The most profound energies available on Earth –the ability to become enlightened and in joy will emerge in 2011 when Neptune and Chiron are conjunct in Pisces.”

Neptune is at the border between the old paradigm on earth and the new one.
It is a higher octave of Venus and like Venus it is the planet of unconditional love.   Neptune is the archetype of compassion and unconditional love.  

When Neptune was discovered in 1846 it opened the portal to the spiritual realms.  It made it possible for us to see that everything co-exists in an ocean of unity and unconditional love.   Neptune is our link to the higher realms.  It is the ruler of water, the oceans and vapour, drugs, poisons, illusions, movies, art, enlightenment photography, fairies, nostalgia, fantasy, liquor, cosmetics.  It doesn’t discriminate and it has no boundaries but it doesn’t draw the line between good and bad.

Under the influence of Neptune many new societies sprang up in the latter half of the eighteenth century.   People like Catherine Mc.Auley abandoned the social scene to take care of the sick and to educate the children of the poor in her own mansion in Coolock.   Later she founded the Mercy Order which spread throughout the world and continued to flourish into the end of the twentieth century.  She is just one example of men and women of wealth and privilege who gave up all that to serve the poor. 
As an example of the men who did the same, we have Edmund Rice who founded the Christian Brothers order.  Their dedication to the poor opened the door through education which led to the successful lives of many of Ireland’s youth and gave an opportunity to them to be educated up to Leaving Cert standard.  The national schools also emerged in 1846 approximately.   

Many new spiritual societies sprang up in the mid eighties under the influence of Neptune- spiritualism, séances, hypnosis, table tapping and the occult.  It was also the time when Madame Blavatsky wrote her books and founded the Theosophical Society, of which The poet, W.B. Yeats was a member.
Alice Bailey, under the direct influence of Dwjal Khul wrote her many books which introduced us to the ascended masters and higher spirituality.  These books were not easy to read for the ordinary reader but were very profound and enlightening. German writers like Rudolf Steiner wrote books on the higher worlds.  But these were only for the initiated, unlike the profusion of books of wisdom and enlightenment, written in a language easy to understand, and now available in all countries for anyone who wants to avail of them. 
The glyph for Neptune is the Trident and it is blue.  Neptune rules floods, movies, art, photography, cosmetics, hospitals, charitable institutions and the navy. All planets, like all signs, have a light and a dark side and Neptune has been called The Great Deceiver.  Under affliction it is associated with muddle, fraud, crime, scandal, brewing and alcohol, drugs, chemicals, footwear, bacteria, poverty and prisons.  It  can be the architect of delusion, deception and confusion.  When it finds it too difficult to cope with life and its mundane responsibilities it tries to escape into fantasy and illusion and a yearning for oneness. 
Neptune takes 165 years to travel around the sun and it spends 14 years approximately in each sign.  At present it is in Aquarius but it moves into its own sign of Pisces on 4thApril 2011 where it will remain until 2025.  
Neptune is the planet of Ascension.  It is at the border between the old paradigm and the new one.  Very soon Neptune and Chiron will be conjunct in Pisces and you can imagine what effect that will have on humanity.  
I will write about that in my blog when it is about to happen in April.

Grainne O Murchu

Friday, February 18, 2011

Election in Ireland 2011

Election 2011 in Ireland

It is not easy when we are listening to the various promises, recriminations and judgments to keep detached.   We all love a good debate.  But we need to ask ourselves when we criticize and judge “Are we adding to the light of the New Earth or are we adding to the confusion and darkness of this time when the old paradigms are coming up to be healed and dissolved.  When we are tempted to judge some candidate or party for election it is possible to send a blessing instead of a judgment.

In all governments what has been called cronyism and corruption have existed for a very long time.  In Roman times they called it the “greasy palm”.   But this is a new time, when new paradigms of service and dedication to the greater good of all citizens especially the weakest, are being created and where equal opportunity is available to all.

These ideals were enshrined in the American constitution and in our own Constitution as well.  The time is ripe to implement them and even to surpass them now when the opportunity is here to create patterns of perfection on earth.  We are more powerful than we realize when we use our thoughts feelings and words in union with others, who are open to creating the New Earth.

The choice is ours-to judge and criticize those who would be elected, or to use our powers of creation to send light to the new government about to be formed and to the creation of abundance, peace, harmony, joyfulliving, truth and all the patterns of perfection waiting to be created.

From A Sleep Of Prisoners
The frozen misery of centuries
cracks, breaks, begins to move.
The thunder is the thunder of the floes
The thaw, the flood, the upstart Spring.

Thank God our time is now when wrong
Comes up to face us everywhere
Never to leave us till we take
The longest stride of soul we ever took.
Stephen Fry

Sweep up the debris of decaying faiths
Sweep down the cobwebs of worn-out beliefs
And throw your soul wide open to the light.
Tune your ear to the wordless music of the spheres.
Be not afraid to thrust aside half-truths
And grasp the whole.

A thousand unseen hands reach down
To help you from their peace-crowned heights.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Shift

The Shift

We are on the verge of the greatest shift in consciousness ever experienced on earth.
Reality as we know it will soon cease to be and we will shift to a higher reality.  We are moving rapidly into a new great awakening unlike anything ever before experienced in this world.  Humanity is facing unprecedented changes, that is literally the end of the world as we know it and beginning of a new world.
The goal of mass ascension has eluded mankind for thousands of years because this opportunity occurs only every 25,000 years. the time is now.  The Earth is changing and evolving on a scale beyond precedent.  We live in a world of extraordinary change, encoded in the heavens and foretold in the prophecies of spiritual traditions all over the world.  
Many world religions have foretold that a time would come when heaven would manifest on earth, “as above, so below”. Have we not often said “thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven?” That time is now.
The indigenous peoples all over the world have known about the coming age of enlightenment from ancient times.  The Mayans were a very spiritually advanced people who have preserved their vast knowledge intact until humans were ready to grasp the opportunity that is presenting itself now in our lifetime and until the right time has come.
When we look around we see that all systems are collapsing, from climate change, the economy, the banking systems, religions, medicine and science.   The old paradigms existing on earth are being phased out. The existing way of living on the earth must change before more advanced systems can be created.
Many cycles of Time are converging now - a 25,000 year cycle, and a 250,000 year cycle.  
The Harmonic Convergence in August 1987 marked the end of a great cycle of Time and the beginning of a new one. December 21st. 2012 will be the “Great Convergence” after a twenty five year period of preparation during which a very large number of lightworkers on earth dedicated themselves to bringing in the new Golden Age. 
Lightworkers are people who are committed to using their energies to help birth the Age of peace and prosperity on earth– the new Eden.  There are millions of lightworkers around the world and there are thousands in Ireland, all over the country, who have awakened.   Mystics all over the world speak of anchoring the new consciousness.  A vast number of books in many languages have been written on these subjects and the internet is serving to connect those who are alive to this wonderful opportunity and who want to know more or to connect with other lightworkers.  
It is a tremendous privilege to be alive at this unique time and especially to be aware of the amazing possibilities for creating the new Golden Age which has been spoken of for aeons of time and is now unfolding in our reality.
We are being assisted in this by the Beings of Light from the highest realms who are serving the evolution of the earth.  These are Beings who have once been like us, living a limited form of third dimensional life and who have evolved into a higher consciousness and moved into the higher dimensions.   Out of their great love and compassion for us they are helping us to evolve at this time of great opportunity.  
Humanity has been living in a very limited form of existence for a very long time, shut off from our own Divine Selves and our powerful abilities to co-create the patterns of perfection in our lives and in the world.
The time is short. 
We can attune to a different reality even while structures are collapsing around us.  If you think that this is fanciful or utopian remember all new thinking has been rejected first by the bulk of humanity.  
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.  (Arthur Schopenhauer)

I ask my Higher Self to lead me to enlightenment and the ability to serve humanity and the planet.
I am paving the way for the New Earth of Higher Consciousness.
Everything this day is part of  my highest possible evolution.
I ask my Higher Self to guide me through the energies now available to humanity at this unique time, so that I will be the most perfect instrument of God I can  be to bring the world to the fifth dimensional consciousness of abundance, peace and joy.
In love I magnetize all of God's blessings to me and in love I radiate them out into the world.
May peace and  harmony spread throughout the world and may all souls come to the knowledge of the truth.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chiron the planet of enlightenment

Chiron, the planet of Enlightenment

Chiron was discovered in 1977.  Although Chiron is not even a planet, its influence is profound and it completes the work that was done by Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in the past year and in the years of come.   Chiron was discovered in 1977, when, like Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the energies it embodies were ready to take root in the collective consciousness of humanity. 

These three planets broke the old paradigms that had prevailed for ages and Chiron guided us to wake up from 13,000 years of conditioning.   The discovery of Chiron changed our perspective on everything.  It opened the channel to the higher self and showed us how we can embody it fully here in the physical realm.

On February 6th 2011 Chiron entered the sign of Pisces.

Chiron embodies the archetype for the enlightenment of the human being.  It shows that our wounds are the key to our enfoldment.   We began to see that spirituality was not dependent on religion and to question much of the indoctrination that was prevalent for long ages.   We questioned the belief that blind faith was the key to our salvation and we began to question many cherished beliefs previously held.

Chiron concerns health and disease and their relationship to our spiritual journey through life. When Chiron was discovered in 1977, new ways of healing were brought into our reality through the holistic movement, and a new consciousness of caring for the planet emerged through the environmental movement.  

All of the self-help holistic systems began in the late nineteen seventies under the influence of Chiron.   We began to question long-established customs of relying on the churches and gurus to guide our spiritual development and instead to realise that God was within each of us and we could access our own spirituality.  

We also began to question some medical practices and to take some responsibility for own health and well-being by becoming involved in exercise and improving our eating habits.  There were very few health centres or gyms before then and yoga tai’chi and chi gong were just beginning to come in.  

Meditation groups sprang up at that time in Ireland, as many of us remember and instead of going on retreats we went on meditation weekends.  A whole new way of viewing our world had begun.  So began the weekend seminars at first given by teachers from U.S.A and England but soon Irish people were conducting courses in Reiki, Reflexology, Massage, and many other healing and spiritual modalities. 

Chiron has been labelled the “Wounded Healer”.  The wound can be physical, emotional or mental.  The essence of the Chiron paradigm is “The gift of the Wound”.  When painful traumatic experiences happen to us we tend to see the negative aspect of them but we do not see the blessings, lessons and gifts they confer on us, in the meaning and purpose of our lives and the evolving of consciousness which result as a consequence.  

Chiron takes fifty years to make a complete orbit.  It has a strange orbit that lies between Saturn and Uranus and it actually crosses over the orbit of these two planets.  Whereas Saturn shows the areas in our life where we get stuck and where we can make our weak point our greatest strength, Chiron shows the opportunity in our lives where we can evolve and raise our consciousness.

Chiron moved into Pisces on Sunday last, 6th February 2011 and will be in Pisces for the next nine years.   Chiron will be in Pisces for most of 2011 and all of 2012.  The effects will be profound and life-enhancing.
Chiron is the embodiment and the archetype for the enlightened human being. He brought in the keys for the potential of enlightenment.  Our wounds hold the keys of enlightenment.

Chiron was named after the centaur in Greek mythology.  The mythical Chiron was a centaur, (our higher nature) half man, and half beast (our lower nature).
He became the leader of the centaurs. 
It was he who informed the human race that the God force could be accessed directly through the application of sacred knowledge and so he attained unsurpassed levels of mastery. 

All the great heroes of mythology were initiated by Chiron – Achilles, Hercules and Jason, before embarking on their quests.  The story of Prometheus Unbound refers to Chiron, who freed Prometheus from bondage.  Later Chiron was wounded in the heel.  That is why he is called The Wounded Healer.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ireland now

Welcome to my Blog

I started a blog a couple days ago and when I tried to use a few names, the only one accepted was “joyfulliving for all” and only when I added “for all” was it accepted by Blogger.  I didn’t understand then.
But when I woke during the night I was feeling overwhelmed by the state of our country –the amount of negativity surfacing, the anger, frustration and hopelessness of the people.   And I thought “We have created this situation ourselves just as we have created everything in our personal lives by our thoughts, feelings and visualisations. 

So I thought we can create a different reality for Ireland by the same process of thoughts, visualisations and feelings and by prayers and affirmations using the power of manifestation.
Held within the national psyche of Ireland are memories of poverty, famine, wars, persecution, and false teachings, all of which created feelings of unworthiness, guilt, sadness and lack of self-esteem.  This is a unique time when it is possible to clear all negativity in our own lives and in our world.  Are we up to the challenge?

There are countless people in Ireland who are healers, teachers, and counsellors and there are people who are aware of the unprecedented power to create our reality through the power of manifestation at this unique time on earth.  While we each have the power individually, we are infinitely more powerful when we hold the vision for our country collectively.   We do not even have to physically come together to do it or have a special time.  I know that there are countless lightworkers in Ireland –many of them I know personally.  We can be the catalysts for change.

Can we hold a vision of a New Ireland where everyone enjoys the necessities of life, like food, shelter fulfilling work, and good health? 
Deep within us is a Divine spark – a creative power that will manifest perfection in our world through the use of affirmations, decrees, prayers, visualizations with intense emotion.
Can we spare a few moments each day or maybe more, to create the patterns of perfection for Ireland, more peaceful and fulfilling than ever before envisaged?

This is a critical time for Ireland when we are electing a new government.  Those we elect will have power to make decisions which will impact on all our lives for years to come.   It is important that the best people get elected and hold the balance of power.

In the next three weeks we will be bombarded with information, recriminations, arguments, apportioning of blame, and false promises, through all sources of information.  I am enclosing some affirmations for Divine Government, a government that will seek to serve the people, especially the weakest in society who are unable to help themselves.

Affirmations for Ireland

I invoke the saints of Ireland Brigid, Colmcille, Patrick and all the saints and mystics from ancient times. 
I invoke the Beings of Light who once inhabited our island.
I invoke the ascended masters who guide the evolution of Earth.

I ask for your help now for the people of Ireland who are suffering from poverty, lack, and deprivation, and for those who are losing their homes and for our young people who are forced to emigrate in order to find work.

I invoke the great beings of Light associated with Divine Government on this planet.
I invoke the legions of Light from the highest dimensions to descend into every town and village, into every home in Ireland.

Guide the electorate to choose the candidates who will best serve this country.

Blessed Michael with your sword of Light cut away every force that is not of the Light and every force which would be harmful to the Irish people’s welfare.

Protect us from those who would use power for their personal gain and not for the greater good of all.
Guide and direct those who will be elected in the coming weeks.

Beloved Beings of Light anchor the patterns of perfection in our country- the archetypes of abundance, peace, harmony, healthy living, fulfillment and joy.

I make these invocations, commands and decrees through the power of God/Goddess and the legions of Light from the highest dimensions, who serve the evolution of humanity.

February 1st Lá Le Bríde