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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Book "Livinnng in the new frequencies


I have written a book ‘Living in the new Frequencies’.

I wrote it in response to requests from some who had attended my courses and meetings and I was surprised at the level of interest shown in it.

Some of the subjects covered are The Mystery Schools through the ages.

There is a chapter on Levels of Consciousness and a collection of affirmations which I have been using for many years. It includes information on some of the movements that I have been in touch with in Ireland and other countries and a list of the contents.

A list of books of similar interest is given at the end of the book.

The first edition is sold out but the second edition is now available. 

Anyone interested in buying it may contact me

List of Contents

Foreword…………………………………….….……………….................. 8

Introduction……………………………………..…………………………… 10


Lemuria………………………………………………………………………… 17

Atlantis ………………………………………………………………………… 21

The Mayans…………………………………………………………………… 27

The Mystery Schools………………….…….…………..………………… 33

The Shift……………………………………………………………………….. 39

The New Golden Age………………………………………………………. 43

Affirmations for creating the New Golden Earth……………….. 44

The Divine Self Picture ………………………………………………….. 47

Explanation of the Divine Self Picture……………………………... 48

Affirmations to The I Am Presence………………………………….. 49

Affirmations to the Higher Self …………………………………….…. 51

Affirmations to the Christ Self…………………………………………. 53

The Threefold Flame………………………………………………………. 55

The Beings of Light……………………………………...………………… 57

Affirmations to the Beings of Light…..……….…………………….. 59

Melchizedek…………………………………….……………………………. 63

Saint Germain……………………………………………………………….. 65

The Violet Flame……………………………………………………………. 66

The Universal Divine Mother …………………….……………………. 71

Lightbody … …………………………….…………………………………… 73

The Photon Belt…………………………………….………………………. 75

Prana and Photon Breathing…………………….…………………….. 77

Fifth Dimensional Exercises …............................................... 80

Levels of Human Consciousness ……………….……………………. 81

The Purpose of the earthly journey………………………………….. 84

High Frequency Foods …………………….…………..……………….. 85

Rejuvenation…………………………………………………………………. 87

Affirmations……………………………………………….…………………. 89

Morning Affirmations…………………………………………………….. 91

Greetings to the Rising Sun.………………….………….................. 93

Healing Affirmations……………………………………………………… 94

Divine Love ………………………………………………………………….. 95

Relationship Affirmations……………………………………….……… 98

Lifestyle Affirmations…………………………………………………….. 99

Growing in Awareness…………………………………….……………. 100

Self-empowerment……………….……….……………………………… 101

Manifestation …………………..…………………………………………. 103

Creative Visualisation…………………………………………………… 106

Abundance Affirmations....................................................... 108

Gratitude…………………………………………………………………….. 109

Blessings………………………………………………………..……………. 111

The Lightworkers Prayer………………………...…………………….. 112

Unfolding…………………………………………………….………………. 113

Affirmations for Ireland………………………..………………………. 114

Resources…............................................................................. 115

Ascension Affirmations……………………….………………………… 116

Book List……………………………………………….……………….. 117-118





Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New freqencies from the print media

New Frequencies from the print media

Normally you can find plenty of examples of the lower aspects of the third dimensional frequencies in the media.  The Sunday Independent is a glaring example of the dying aspects of the third dimension.  Last Sunday’s issue really exemplified it fully.  

What prompted me to write this is an article I read in today’s Irish Times which to me is an example of the higher energies unfolding. A young man who has had cerebral palsy from the age of three has excelled even his own world record at the Paralympics, winning a gold medal as well.  As he reached the line, he acknowledged the applause and turned around to cheer on the silver medal finalists from Australia and Tunisia who were coming behind him. There is a photograph of his mother placing the medal around his neck.   

There are numerous examples in the Sunday Independent of September 3rd. of people whose greed, over inflated egos, lack of consideration of the effects of their actions both at the time of the Celtic Tiger and since the Celtic tiger departed.  
The frequencies on earth were changing in 2008 as Pluto entered the sign of Capricorn. I have written about this in an earlier blog on Pluto in Capricorn.    
The print media itself was coming under scrutiny in 2010. England was the focal point of the media trials but it had tentacles in many other countries across the globe and it is still ongoing and unfolding almost weekly. Watch it happening in Ireland too.




Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Astrology of 2012

Astrology of 2012

The stars and planets and their aspects to each other do not cause anything to happen but they indicate the energies available on planet earth which facilitate change and opportunities for change.  Observing the changes over a long time and their effects on life on earth it would be difficult to deny their influence. These changes are permanent and irreversible in the case of the outer planets, Saturn, Uranus Neptune and Pluto because these have a longer orbit and consequently affect whole generations, as for instance the effect of Uranus in the 1960’s.   It was a time of enormous, evolutionary changes.

There are two exact squares between Uranus and Pluto this year, one of which occurred on June 24th and another is due on September 18th.   Uranus will square Pluto seven times between 2012 and 2015 leading to intense planetary changes. These squares over the next five years will lead to enormous changes and new ways of living on this planet.

Pluto in Capricorn facilitates the destruction of institutions and structures that have served their usefulness and no longer serve our evolution.   
Uranus is the planet of revolution in politics, social systems and even in conventions and in human consciousness. It is the pioneer of new ideas. It strikes suddenly, without warning and it has lasting effects.  It is also the planet of creativity and new inventions. 

Neptune began a fourteen year passage through Pisces in February 2012 ending in 2026.  Chiron will be in Pisces until 2019 and in conjunction with Neptune during 2012. Chiron taught that the God force could be accessed directly through the application of sacred knowledge.  Chiron is the archetype of the enlightened human being. The conjunction between Neptune and Chiron in the spiritual sign of Pisces is a very powerful spiritual force and its effect will be very transformative in 2012. Neptune, in the watery sign of Pisces can cause floods and heavy rainfall and other natural phenomena.
Neptune dissolves resistance to the spiritual forces of the universe and breaks down egoic boundaries.” Barbara Hand Clow.
Saturn in Libra helps to balance the scales and stabilize the changes taking place.

For a long time now fear has been a dominant emotion on planet earth and fear is the direct opposite of Love. This year the energy of Divine unconditional love is entering the earth as the earth and her people are moving exponentially from fear to Love.   On June 5th a transit of Venus occurred during which Venus, the planet of Love was eclipsing the earth for six hours.   This allowed the energies of Venus to flood the earth, described by Patricia Cota Robles as “the greatest influx of Divine Love ever experienced.”   

The recently held Olympics in London was a demonstration of Love and co-operation of great significance in bringing in the new energies of Love.  For the following two weeks the usual bad news on the airways was replaced by games, exemplifying standards of excellence in every kind of sport, and the joy and happiness of those who took part and the audiences.   

These are examples of some of the planetary influences in 2012.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Living In The New Frequencies


I have not been writing in my blog recently because I have been writing a book.
The book is titled ‘Living In The New Frequencies’ and I took delivery of 150 copies from the printer last Wednesday. I am selling it directly and not through the bookshops at present. Already more than 50 copies have sold.

I wrote it in response to requests from some who had attended my courses and gatherings and was surprised at the interest shown in it. One who read the book has sent me his reaction and I enclose it below.

Some of the subjects covered are: the mystery schools of ancient times and the secret wisdom down through the ages. There is a chapter on Levels of Consciousness and a collection of affirmations and exercises designed to raise the levels of awareness in preparation for the new frequencies which are constantly flooding the earth in preparation for the New Golden Age of Enlightenment and Peace.

I am willing to send it post free to any address on receipt of your name and address and €15.00. Alternatively it can be collected from me.

One reader's response

Hi Grainne,
I am loving your book. I was reading it over the weekend in my parents. Thanks for putting all the info into one space which is simple to read and understand.
Homo Luminous!! Thats me!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Friday, The Thirteenth

Friday the Thirteenth

Yesterday, Friday, was 13th April.  I have always considered 13 to be a lucky number even though superstition says the opposite.  Superstitions have very little basis in fact I think.   Usually if I was trying to get something finalised it happened on the thirteenth of the month.  So I was happy to discover that in some ancient civilisations thirteen was a mystical number.

 Yesterday things started off as normal.  I spent about three hours writing on my computer until the printer started to make loud grinding noises.  Paper was clogging up the works.  I had often managed to pull out the paper but not this time.  So I rang the expert who agreed to call that afternoon. 

In the course of conversation We talked about the “Voice of Ireland”, and he mentioned that his daughter is a classical singer.  He went out to his car and brought in a DVD called “Whisper of Angels” by his daughter, Naoise Suart Kelly, and presented it to me.  I listened to it as I prepared dinner but when a friend, called unexpectedly later, we sat down and listened to the whole of the DVD.  

Breedge, for that was my friend’s name, presented me with a box of chocolates from the factory which her son owns.   That was two lovely presents on the one day.

We were both transported with joy at the melodious voice of Naoise singing some of our favourite songs like Roisin Dubh, Danny Boy, The Lark in the Clear Air, Nella Fantasia, Siuil A Ruin, and six other songs.   She sang with such clarity and sweetness flowing effortlessly from the lowest notes to the highest notes of Danny Boy.   
Her diction was perfectly clear in both Irish and English.  She truly has a beautiful voice, I would say she has “The voice of Ireland”.  She is a classically trained singer, having trained with Veronica Dunne and later in the Academy of Music in London and she sings worldwide. 

We had our concert at home, impromptu as well.  Only for the printer breaking down, I would never have had that experience and of course, it was Friday the thirteenth. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Fifth Dimensional Attitudes

Fifth Dimensional Attitudes

This year 2012 heralds a shift in consciousness.  The earth is changing from the deepest density ever experienced into a new era of peace, harmony, empowerment, abundance, unconditional love, and joy.  Enormous changes are emerging in economic, political, religious and social conditions and in every aspect of life.  But the greatest change that is coming is in human consciousness as we leave the dense third dimension behind and enter the fifth dimension. 

The opportunity for change and growth is unprecedented.   This has been foretold by prophets and seers from all cultures for thousands of years.  It is an enormous privilege to be alive on the earth at this time.
The fifth dimension is a state of unconditional love and oneness.
To enter the fifth dimension we need to cultivate unconditional love unlike the conditional love which is the usual experience of most people in the old world. 

We will also need to create a less dense physical body to ascend into the fifth dimension. One of the ways to create a lighter physical body is by breathing prana and cosmic energies as I described in the last blog.
There are many ways through which we can raise the frequency of our bodies.  Eating high frequency food can help us to create lighter bodies and so raise our consciousness.  

High Frequency Foods 

At this time it is very important that we eat high-frequency foods which are more compatible with our high frequency bodies.  Not alone do these unprocessed fresh foods improve out health but they are also important for moving into higher states of consciousness.   We need to avoid eating low-frequency processed foods, and foods which have been cooked in a microwave because it destroys the prana in the food.  

“From ancient times, chlorophyll has been used as a powerful healer.   It is helpful in preventing cancer and arthritis; it builds a high red blood cell count, provides iron to organs, makes the body more alkaline, cleans and deoderizes bowel tissues, helps purify the liver, eliminates body odours and bad breath and improves vision.   The list is endless.  The more chlorophyll we consume the better our intestinal flora and our health will be.   Drinking smoothies is the best way of getting chlorophyll.  
Some foods contain chlorophyll, which is liquid sunlight.  Greens are among the highest source of chlorophyll and include spinach, cabbage, lettuces, asparagus, celery, chard, endives, carrot tops, sprouts, fennel, kale, and many others including some weeds and most fruits.   Wheatgrass juice consists of 70% chlorophyll.  It was discovered by
Doctor Anne Wigmore.
Some of this information in this blog I have read in Victoria Boutenko’s book “Green For Life.”  I have been using the information in this book to make smoothies and I believe it has proved very important during the chemo treatment I have been receiving for cancer and has helped to keep my immune system strong.   I have shared the information with those who come to my weekly meetings and they all agreed the smoothies tasted great.   So not alone  do these foods improve our health, and taste delicious but they are one of the ways of creating higher frequency bodies which is so essential if we wish to enter the fifth dimensional frequency of the new age which is being established on earth in this year 2012.

In my next blog I will discuss some mental and emotional attitudes that are compatible with the fifth dimensional frequency.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Prana and photon breathing

Prana and Photon Breathing
Prana breathing and the intake of photons is the breathing system we will use as the dimensions shift.  It will be essential during the Earth’s magnetic shift.  On the new Earth,which is fast approaching, we will breathe in prana and we will take in photons.
“In Lemuria and during other golden ages we breathed prana naturally. 
Pranic and photon breathing is different from yoga breathing in that it takes in prana and photons through the pranic tube which extends vertically through the body and not through the lungs as in yoga.  It doesn’t bend with the spine.
Prana and photons come from the Great Central Sun, from Alcyone and from the Milky Way Galaxy.
This breathing technique can be used to help create a healthy body and to enable you to shift your consciousness from third to the fifth dimensional states.  It can also enable you to reduce your dependence on heavier food.
Prana breathing can take you into deep meditation and it keeps your meridians clear and balanced.” Master Kirael
Kahu Fred Sterling channels Master Kirael and describes prana breathing in this way.
“Exercise:   Stand on the grass and visualise your connection to the deep earth.
Visualise the prana tube extending through the centre of your body out of the top of your head as high as possible and down deep into the earth.
Inhale deeply bringing prana up from the earth into your base chakra, through the prana tube into your heart chakra.  Continue breathing prana from the earth into your heart.
Feel the life force energy flowing up from the Earth.  
Breathe in prana from the cosmic realm far above, down through your crown chakra, the pineal, and thymus and into your heart chakra.
Visualise both flowing simultaneously.  Draw in prana from the Earth and the Cosmos in a continuous flow into your heart. 
As you continue breathing prana from above and below, create a sphere in your heart centre.  Ask that this sphere increase in size until it fills your whole body.
Keep practicing until the process becomes automatic.   Realise that prana is flowing through your whole body.
Relax, allow all parts of your body to receive prana, energising and recharging it.
Prana can cleanse and rejuvenate your body.”
Fine tune your energies every day by breathing through your prana tube.
I have been practising this breathing with my group for some time and in fine weather it is wonderful to do it barefoot, outside in the garden. 
I also often concentrate more on bringing in the photons from the galaxy and in this way bringing the new golden age energies into the Earth.  Frau Kahu Sterling does not make this distinction. Prana and photons come from the Great Central Sun, from Alcyone and from the Milky Way Galaxy.
This breathing technique can be used to help create a healthy body and to enable you to shift your consciousness from third to the fifth dimensional states.  It can also enable you to reduce your dependence on heavier food.
Prana breathing can take you into deep meditation and it keeps your meridians clear and balanced.” Master Kirael
Kahu Fred Sterling channels Master Kirael and describes prana breathing in this way.
“Exercise:   Stand on the grass and visualise your connection to the deep earth.
Visualise the prana tube extending through the centre of your body out of the top of your head as high as possible and down deep into the earth.
Inhale deeply bringing prana up from the earth into your base chakra, through the prana tube into your heart chakra.  Continue breathing prana from the earth into your heart.
Feel the life force energy flowing up from the Earth. 
Breathe in prana from the cosmic realm far above, down through your crown chakra, the pineal, and thymus and into your heart chakra.
Visualise both flowing simultaneously.  Draw in prana from the Earth and the Cosmos in a continuous flow into your heart. 
As you continue breathing prana from above and below, create a sphere in your heart centre.  Ask that this sphere increase in size until it fills your whole body.
Keep practicing until the process becomes automatic.   Realise that prana is flowing through your whole body.
Relax, allow all parts of your body to receive prana, energising and recharging it.
Prana can cleanse and rejuvenate your body.”

Fine tune your energies every day by breathing through your prana tube.
I have been practising this breathing with my group for some time and in fine weather it is wonderful to do it barefoot, outside in the garden. 
I also often concentrate more on bringing in the photons from the galaxy and in this way bringing the new golden age energies into the Earth.  Frau Kahu Sterling does not make this distinction.