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Friday, September 30, 2011

The Beings of Light

All sacred literature including the Bible, the Talmud, The Koran and the Vedas the Buddha teachings, the secret doctrines of the mystery schools all speak of the Brotherhoods of Light and their interactions with humans throughout history. 
They are our brothers and sisters who have advanced to higher levels of evolution.  They have gained spiritual enlightenment and reside on the higher planes and dimensions.
They are the White brotherhood, the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and angels.   There are also great Cosmic Beings from very advanced dimensions who have never incarnated in physical bodies.  They have been interacting with human beings in many ways in recent times as we approach the greatest shift in evolution, vibration and consciousness ever experienced on this earth.  This shift could be compared to the evolution of mankind from Neanderthal man to Homo Sapiens.  The New Age human has been called Homo Spiritus. The Incas call it Homo Luminous.
Humans are receiving a tremendous amount of help and light from the higher planes at this unique time in our evolution.  These brilliant Cosmic Beings of Light  are eager to help us.  They are full of compassion and unconditional love for us and they are motivated only by their desire to help us achieve our highest evolution and ascension. 
Some from Sirius and from the Pleaidians have inspired the writings of many evolved people over the last century.  These writings are designed to enlighten us on our evolutionary journey and are easy to read and understand. 

Many of these brilliant Beings have been guiding the earth’s evolution for a very long time and were in constant contact with the Atlantians and the Lemurians and with the mystery schools of all times.  Their names are familiar-Melchizedek, Sanat Kumara, Serapis Bey, Metatron and others. 

We can contact them by concentrating on them, getting to know them,d reaching out to make contact with them, and by using affirmations and invocations to contact them.  Another way of communicating with these brilliant Beings of Light is by asking a question and listening for a reply in meditation. 
Many books have been written, inspired by these great masters beginning with Madame Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, books which have expanded our knowledge of the higher worlds and helped with the expansion of consciousness. They continue to be written in very large numbers and through numerous writers. They are easily available to anyone who desires to read them. 
There are also the Ascended Masters who once graced this earth and mastered the lessons of earthly existence, and having cleared their karma they have moved on to higher dimensions.  
They are from all ages and times but some well-known Ascended Masters lived in Tibet in the late eighteenth century and have inspired books which are still available.  Masters Kuthumi and Dwjal Khul and San Germain are well known ascended Masters. 

They have been through the Ascension process, having completed the lessons of third dimensional living and are qualified and willing to help us do the same. 


May the Great Golden Age of enlightenment, love, peace, harmony and abundance be established on earth.
I am one with Lightworkers around the world who are helping to create the New Golden Age.
I am one with the Beings of Light from the highest dimensions who serve the evolution of Earth into the Golden Age of enlightenment.
I am grateful for the opportunity to help anchor the patterns of perfection of the New Earth.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The New Golden Age

The old earth is crumbling before our eyes.  All systems –financial, religious, economic and social, are failing as the third dimensional low frequency energies of greed, control, competition and ego are being swept away to be replaced by higher fifth dimensional frequencies of sharing, co-operation and service to others.

A new age is dawning, an age of peace and harmony.
The old patterns were expressions of lower frequency, third dimensional earth.
Humanity is evolving to a higher evolutionary cycle and the energies of the third dimension must yield to a fifth dimensional way of life. 
Because of the energies now flooding into the Earth we are moving to a higher frequency which leads to fifth dimensional patterns of living.    
The new Earth is evolving to a higher frequency fifth dimensional state of consciousness and the old way of life is passing away for ever.
We are being helped by the Beings of Light from the highest dimensions to reach our greatest potential and ascend into higher states of consciousness.
May peace and harmony spread throughout the world and may all people come to the knowledge of the truth.

I ask my Higher Self and the Ascended Masters to guide me through the energies now available to humanity, at this unique time, so that I will be the most perfect instrument I can be, to bring the world to the fifth dimensional consciousness of peace, joy, harmony, abundance and fulfillment.

I ask to be connected with the Beings of Light from the highest dimensions who guide the evolution of humanity.
I connect with lightworkers around the world who are creating the new patterns of perfection of the fifth dimension.
I dedicate my thoughts, feelings, words and actions to co-creating and empowering the patterns of perfection for the new world.