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Monday, December 12, 2011

The Photon Belt

Just as the earth rotates around the sun, the sun and all her satellites rotate around the galactic centre at a speed of one degree every seventy five years.  So it takes 25,920 years to orbit the galactic centre once and this is called the Grand Cycle. 

During the first half of the Grand Cycle, the solar system is close enough to the centre of the galactic centre to be bathed in light, but during the second part of the cycle we circle through the darkness of the galactic night for about thirteen thousand years.  This is a continuous process since the beginning of time.

The rotational period of 13,000 years has repeating cycles of dark and light and corresponding periods of different states of consciousness.  The last time the earth passed through the Photon Belt was when Lemuria and Atlantis were at the height of spiritual development before Lemuria sank into the Pacific Ocean. 

At the time of the fall of Atlantis, approximately thirteen thousand years ago we entered the dark half of the Grand Cycle also known as the time of the Great flood.   We have come to the end of the 13,000 year dark period now and we began a new 13,000 light period a short time ago.  We are at the point of entry into the Galactic Centre where we will remain for two thousand years within the galaxy before we begin the next grand Cycle.

As part of a cyclic plan the earth and the solar system will pass through the Photon belt in 2012 and will remain within the galactic centre for 2,000 years.   

As we move into the galactic Centre our Solar System is gradually coming under the influence of the Photon Belt light.  The Photon Belt is a massive region within the galactic centre containing a high concentration of photons.

Since 1987 an influx of cosmic photon energy has been entering the earth from the photon Band within the galactic system in preparation for a massive transformation of energies here.

The Photon Belt contains high powered energy that will create a dimensional shift on earth.   Within the Photon Belt the veils between the dimensions are very thin or non-existent.  This will assist humans to make a dimensional shift in consciousness into the fourth fifth and higher dimensions. 

When our Earth first entered the Photon Belt these frequencies started as short bursts of radiation.  Photons are bombarding the earth more frequently now.

“A photon is a particle of energy representing a quantum of light or electromagnetic radiation.”

The Photon belt energy will be our main source of energy as it was in Lemuria and Atlantis.   We can breathe in Photon energy into our physical, etheric, emotional mental and spiritual bodies.

In my next blog I will describe prana and photon breathing.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Celebrating the 11-11-11 in Dublin

On Friday November 11th 2011 the earth received the greatest influx of cosmic energy and light the earth has ever experienced.  A new doorway opened bringing peace, oneness, harmony, love and co-operation and connection with others throughout the world.  It also signifies the opening of the crystal grids through which our ascension is achieved and Earth’s ascension into the fifth Dimensional realms of Divine Light. 
There was a quantum shift in the Earth’s Crystal grid system.  This is the system that functions within the body of Mother Earth just as the chakras and meridians function in the human body.   This is the system through which our ascension into the fifth dimensional golden age will be achieved.
11 is a master number, the number of transcendence.   November 11th was the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the 11th year of the millennium thus forming a triple eleven.  It is a huge milestone in the evolution of humanity.   It will be easier for many to waken up to what is unfolding on this planet.     It represents a change of focus from personal transformation to collective transformation.   Many more people are waking up to the realisation that a new time is dawning and that an enormous shift is taking place on earth and are ready to accept it.  
There have been many stages and phases in Earth’s evolution since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, each building on that which went before and we have celebrated each one as it unfolded but this has reached new unprecedented levels.  It is the first of two great cosmic moments, the next one in 2012.    
On Friday 11th thirteen of us gathered in my home to connect with all those around the earth who have gathered to celebrate this event and to help to bring in the cosmic energies.   We breathed in prana from the cosmos into our bodies and grounded them into the earth and then we breathed the specific energies of the 11-11-11. and grounded them as well.   We held this for exactly eleven minutes and then we brought the green and violet flame of healing through all systems of our bodies thus healing ourselves and the earth.  We connected with the energies with many affirmations.  Here are a few of them.
I am in the eternal moment of the 11-11-11.  I am one with every lightworker who is celebrating the energies of the 11-11-11 activations. 
I am grateful for the opportunity to anchor those transforming energies on earth.
I am paving the way for the new Earth.
The I Am Presence of every person is setting the earth on a new course of Divine Light.
May the Great Golden Age of enlightenment, love, peace, harmony and abundance for all be established on Earth. 
I give thanks for my life and for my ability to add to the light of the world.
We connected with the lightworkers who have gathered at portals and sacred places all over the earth.   Two of our group were in Egypt; others were in Auckland with Patricia Cota Robles.  A huge group from all parts of the earth gathered in Arkansas where the earth is crystal- based and extends for acres on the open ground.   They carried with them the crystal skulls of wisdom including the magnificent Max Crystal skull.
Hunbatz Men, the Mayan wisdom keeper, and Drunvallo Melchizeck travelled across U.S.A. carrying another crystal skull.   Aine Armour was leading a group in Colorado.
Numerous groups in Ireland travelled to sacred sites all over the country including a group from Cork who held ceremonies in Tara and another group were in Skellig Mhicil in Kerry.   

This amazing  influx of light was not just for one day.  It is now available for everyone to access if they desire.   Everyone is free to accept the unfolding opportunities or to reject if that is their inclination and pathway. 
In love and light

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Healing through the transmuting Violet Flame

Saint Germain brought the Violet Flame from Atlantis to Egypt before the fall of Atlantis over eleven thousand five hundred years ago.  He has worked with these energies ever since. 
Because of the developing critical situation at the end of this age, Saint Germain asked the ascended masters around the time of the harmonic Convergence 1987 to release the use of the Violet Flame to anyone interested in evolving spiritually and in helping themselves and humanity.   Now humanity has available one of the most powerful spiritual tools known-the Violet Flame.   
Saint Germain says “The use of the Violet Flame is more valuable than all the wealth, gold and jewels on the earth.” 

We can change matter with the Violet flame through the spoken word and assist all people to enter the golden Age.  The Violet Flame can change the dense energies in our material bodies. It can heal and transmute our emotional bodies.  It is capable of transmuting every illness on earth and every misaligned energy created by us.  It is more powerful than anything we have created.

The violet Flame is available to everyone.  All we have to do is invoke the Violet Flame through our I Am Presence and the Violet Flame will follow our decree and will accomplish anything we ask it to do.  When our I AM Presence invokes the Violet Flame it gives it permission to enter our lives. It flows through our Silver Cord into our crown chakra and into our heart centre.  

When the I AM Presence enters our heart Flame it is stamped with our individual electronic patterns and waits direction from our I Am presence to fulfill whatever we ask it to do.

If we are interested in transmuting the obsolete patterns of ageing and disease which we developed over many lifetimes we can invoke the Violet Flame and it goes immediately into action.   It flows into our heart flame stamped with our electronic pattern and activates the Divine memory encoded there.  It travels through the atmosphere of earth and it expands out into the universe.  It seeks out and magnetises to itself every electronic energy vibrating with the frequency of ageing and disease that is stamped in our electronic pattern.

No matter how dense the frequency of disease and ageing is that we misqualified during our many lifetimes there is still a core of purity in every electron that contains its original Divine potential.  That means that within every electron manifesting as disease and ageing, there is still within its core the Divine potential of vibrant health, eternal youth and infinite physical perfection. 

We can change matter with the Violet Fire.”  
We can lift up our atoms, and molecules, electrons and all the spaces in between and all the energies in our bodies.  

The Violet Flame can accelerate spiritual development and prepare us for ascension.  It can cleanse, purify and transmute and transform anything in our lives.  The quickest way to heal any illness is to use the Violet Flame. 

If you use the Violet Flame even for a few minutes a day you will get results but you need to persevere in order to change old habits, and so, using it for at least fifteen minutes a day every day will be very effective.

Saint Germain suggests that we start the day calling forth the Violet Flame.
Ask the Violet Flame to be with you all day in all your activities.  Allow space for the most appropriate outcome to result.  

At this time of enormous growth and change we all need to clear our energy systems of all past and present attachments to disease, pain, anger, guilt, weakness, and all mental and emotional patterns that impede our spiritual evolvement.  The Violet Flame is capable of transmuting even the densest and most long standing energies and it can consume all obstacles not in keeping with our highest good.  It can transmute and transform every energy system in the physical body, every atom, every cell, electron, tissue and molecule and it can restore us to perfect health.


I am a force of the Violet flame more powerful than any human miscreation.  

I call on the Violet Flame to permeate every cell, atom and electron of my body and transform them into light.

I call on the Violet transmuting Flame to permanently dissolve and consume all imperfections in my body, mind, emotions and personality.

I ask the Violet Flame to permeate every cell, atom and electron of my four body system, my physical body, my etheric body, my emotional body and my mental body

I realise that I am able to transmute through the power of the Violet Flame the mass consciousness of poverty, lack and limitation.

I am my I AM Presence invoking the full power of the Violet Flame to transmute cause, effect record and memory of every thought, feeling, word or action, humanity has ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that reflects anything less than the limitless perfection of God. 

In the name of the Christ within me, I ask that the Violet Flame be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need.  I thank you and accept this as being done according to the will of Christ.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Invocation to the Great Cosmic Light

“We are facing the end of this world as we know it and the beginning of the new world by 2012.”  Barbara Marx Hubbard 
“The route of material evolution is over.  Now we can return to the mainstream of cosmic consciousness.   Consciousness is the essential evolutionary principle of the cosmos.”  Jose Arguelles   
We are heroes in a profound transition stage, doing what no collective group of humans has done before.  We are the ones who will birth the future.
There have many steps on this journey, many levels of preparation in the background but not in the awareness of the general public.  Humanity in general is unaware of what is about to unfold.
Invocation to the Great Cosmic Light

Beloved Glorious I AM Presence, Light of my soul, may the Light of
Cosmic Illumination, the Light of Cosmic Victory and Love be
poured into the Earth from all available Sources, like the Light of a
thousand suns to permeate the atmosphere of Earth, to saturate all Her
people and Her many kingdoms.

May all negativity, illusion, glamour and karma be transmuted by this Great Cosmic Light of God that never fails.
May the Great Golden Age of enlightenment, love, peace, brotherhood and prosperity for all be established now upon our planet by the action of this Great Cosmic Light.
By the authority of my I AM Presence and the authority of every I AM Presence of Humanity, all the Kingdoms of the Earth, the Light of the Mother/Father God, by the authority of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood I decree:

As a child of God, "I AM" the authority on Earth, I AM calling for the action of the Light of a thousand suns to be released now on this beloved planet for the immediate transformation of Earth into the "Shining Star" that is Her destiny and for the raising up of all humanity into their Eternal Freedom in the Realms of Light and Divine Perfection.

I request that the Light that is needed to manifest the Kingdom of God on Earth, as it is in Heaven be released now, without limit in accordance and in absolute alignment with Prime Creator's Divine Plan for the Earth, for all of Humanity and all the Kingdoms of the Earth.  And so it is, Beloved I AM.Source:

This decree is very powerful and as you say it, know that you, as a co-creator with Father/Mother God have the full authority to bring it into manifestation.
Repeating this decree  seven times in succession will firmly establish your intention for that day, and as more people take up this call great good can manifest. 
Do it with great intention and force and frequency.   For you are the hands, voice and feet of the enlightened ones who are working to bring about the greatest changes at this time to facilitate the ascension of the earth and all life upon her so that no one will be left behind.
“It is a fallacy to believe that only a select few will make it into their ascension and that all others will have to repeat their experience on another plan in a future incarnation.  That is not in the Divine Plan.
As we of the Spiritual Hierarchy have stated many times, all on earth will rise with her into the higher dimension.  Many have chosen not to directly experience what will occur in this time, for their task was to set the foundations for what now to happen and having done that, they are choosing to leave the planet.  All is a choice from this time on.  We see as we look at you that you are beginning to realise that.
See yourself as a golden Christ Child, a master of love who has come to the earth at this time to love the earth and all of her kingdoms and all of her humanity back into alignment, wholeness and perfection.
Each day of your life no matter how tried and tested you are, summon forth the inherent strength and tenacity within you and call forth the light into the earth.  We also wish for you to realise that if you are sending this message, then you are one who has chosen this service to earth at this most special time in the earth’s history and the history of the entire galaxy.  That is how important your work is and continues to be.  You are needed now more than ever before.  Hold fast to your light and your highest vision for the new earth and all upon her.  Let go of anything that would keep you from this task for it no longer has any relevance or importance. 
The greatest and most important thing that you can do each day is to remember the light that you are and radiate it outwards to encompass everyone and everything in its path. Radiate this golden light to everyone you encounter, for you know not how very much this empowers and assists others on their journey into the light. 
We, Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus hold you in our hearts and empower you with our own flame of love light and freedom.    Accept this gift from us and walk your path in full confidence that you are doing the work of the Creator in all that you do each day.”


Friday, September 30, 2011

The Beings of Light

All sacred literature including the Bible, the Talmud, The Koran and the Vedas the Buddha teachings, the secret doctrines of the mystery schools all speak of the Brotherhoods of Light and their interactions with humans throughout history. 
They are our brothers and sisters who have advanced to higher levels of evolution.  They have gained spiritual enlightenment and reside on the higher planes and dimensions.
They are the White brotherhood, the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and angels.   There are also great Cosmic Beings from very advanced dimensions who have never incarnated in physical bodies.  They have been interacting with human beings in many ways in recent times as we approach the greatest shift in evolution, vibration and consciousness ever experienced on this earth.  This shift could be compared to the evolution of mankind from Neanderthal man to Homo Sapiens.  The New Age human has been called Homo Spiritus. The Incas call it Homo Luminous.
Humans are receiving a tremendous amount of help and light from the higher planes at this unique time in our evolution.  These brilliant Cosmic Beings of Light  are eager to help us.  They are full of compassion and unconditional love for us and they are motivated only by their desire to help us achieve our highest evolution and ascension. 
Some from Sirius and from the Pleaidians have inspired the writings of many evolved people over the last century.  These writings are designed to enlighten us on our evolutionary journey and are easy to read and understand. 

Many of these brilliant Beings have been guiding the earth’s evolution for a very long time and were in constant contact with the Atlantians and the Lemurians and with the mystery schools of all times.  Their names are familiar-Melchizedek, Sanat Kumara, Serapis Bey, Metatron and others. 

We can contact them by concentrating on them, getting to know them,d reaching out to make contact with them, and by using affirmations and invocations to contact them.  Another way of communicating with these brilliant Beings of Light is by asking a question and listening for a reply in meditation. 
Many books have been written, inspired by these great masters beginning with Madame Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, books which have expanded our knowledge of the higher worlds and helped with the expansion of consciousness. They continue to be written in very large numbers and through numerous writers. They are easily available to anyone who desires to read them. 
There are also the Ascended Masters who once graced this earth and mastered the lessons of earthly existence, and having cleared their karma they have moved on to higher dimensions.  
They are from all ages and times but some well-known Ascended Masters lived in Tibet in the late eighteenth century and have inspired books which are still available.  Masters Kuthumi and Dwjal Khul and San Germain are well known ascended Masters. 

They have been through the Ascension process, having completed the lessons of third dimensional living and are qualified and willing to help us do the same. 


May the Great Golden Age of enlightenment, love, peace, harmony and abundance be established on earth.
I am one with Lightworkers around the world who are helping to create the New Golden Age.
I am one with the Beings of Light from the highest dimensions who serve the evolution of Earth into the Golden Age of enlightenment.
I am grateful for the opportunity to help anchor the patterns of perfection of the New Earth.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The New Golden Age

The old earth is crumbling before our eyes.  All systems –financial, religious, economic and social, are failing as the third dimensional low frequency energies of greed, control, competition and ego are being swept away to be replaced by higher fifth dimensional frequencies of sharing, co-operation and service to others.

A new age is dawning, an age of peace and harmony.
The old patterns were expressions of lower frequency, third dimensional earth.
Humanity is evolving to a higher evolutionary cycle and the energies of the third dimension must yield to a fifth dimensional way of life. 
Because of the energies now flooding into the Earth we are moving to a higher frequency which leads to fifth dimensional patterns of living.    
The new Earth is evolving to a higher frequency fifth dimensional state of consciousness and the old way of life is passing away for ever.
We are being helped by the Beings of Light from the highest dimensions to reach our greatest potential and ascend into higher states of consciousness.
May peace and harmony spread throughout the world and may all people come to the knowledge of the truth.

I ask my Higher Self and the Ascended Masters to guide me through the energies now available to humanity, at this unique time, so that I will be the most perfect instrument I can be, to bring the world to the fifth dimensional consciousness of peace, joy, harmony, abundance and fulfillment.

I ask to be connected with the Beings of Light from the highest dimensions who guide the evolution of humanity.
I connect with lightworkers around the world who are creating the new patterns of perfection of the fifth dimension.
I dedicate my thoughts, feelings, words and actions to co-creating and empowering the patterns of perfection for the new world.

Friday, August 12, 2011



These are a selection of orbs which I have taken in my front and back gardens sometimes in the morning and sometimes at night.  They are not confined to my gardens either.  They have appeared in photos I have taken in other countries e.g. Mexico and California.   
Orbs are appearing in photographs all over the world mainly since the invention of the digital camera.  The human eye can only see within the light spectrum from red to violet but the digital camera can go beyond and pick up pictures from the ultra violet and infra red.   You do not need a very high pixel capacity to get orbs.
What are orbs?
They are not ghosts as some might think.  Every orb is a visible manifestation of spiritual beings from higher dimensions.   They are always there but just beyond the range of our vision.  They are associated with crop circles and have been seen moving in the fields just before a crop circle appears.

They come in a variety of colours from white to green, blue, golden yellow, violet and infra red and sometimes a combination of colours.
Orbs are proof of another dimension beyond what we can see in our present limited vision.  Enlightened beings from other worlds higher than our dimension are coming closer as we approach “the Shift of the Ages” as we too prepare to move to a higher frequency.  The veils between the dimensions are thinning and people everywhere are beginning to see beyond what we ever dreamed of.

Orbs do not remain stationary and are moving constantly as I have observed when I took a succession of photos without any interval in between and I have received different kinds of orbs in each successive picture. 
So get out your camera and witness for yourself the beauty of what is out there for all of us.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Mystery Schools

The Mystery Schools

Approximately every 25,000 the precession of the equinox occurs, during which the earth moves from the centre of the galaxy, in an elliptical pattern moving away from the centre of the galaxy in the first half of its journey, and returning to the centre in the second half.
During the first half as we move away we fall asleep, metaphysically speaking and during the return curve we wake up spiritually.   Planet Earth has ended the dark portion of that cycle and is now entering the light period. 

But even during all that time true knowledge and wisdom has been kept alive through the mystery schools.  Mystery Schools have existed since the time of Atlantis.  The Cathedral of the Sacred Heights, sometimes called The Temple of Poseidon was a house of initiation.  Within the Temple of Poseidon in the centre of Atlantis there was a great crystal containing the wisdom and knowledge of Atlantis.  The Temple of Poseidon was a house of initiation for those who sought wisdom and illumination. 

When the Atlantean priests left before the destruction of their country, they brought their knowledge and wisdom with them to the Yucatan in Mexico and to Egypt and South America.   They encoded their wisdom in various ways such as in Crystals and Crystal skulls and in other artefacts.

The Temples of Divine Wisdom existed in almost all ancient civilisations, India, Egypt, China, the Mayan Empire of Yucatan, the Incas of Peru.
In the Temples of Wisdom the deeper truths were taught to those who were eligible and capable of following the path of true knowledge and wisdom and  connecting with the other worlds.  The knowledge of the mysteries and the true history of the earth was studied as well as exercises to balance the mind body and spirit.

Usually the kings and initiates, the priests and priestesses were the only ones who had access to these mystery schools.  The criterion for acceptance in a mystery school was very high and demanding and many tests were given to ensure that the aspirant was worthy and ready.  A complete secrecy was obligatory and severe punishments and expulsion for those who revealed the knowledge they were privileged to discover there. 

The reason for the secrecy was well founded because there were those who felt threatened by this knowledge and did not want it to be made available to the general public.  Throughout his-tory and her-story, in every age almost, those who were known to carry the wisdom of the sages and the knowledge of the ages were hunted down and persecuted.  But still there were always those who secretly preserved the ancient wisdom in the face of the most appalling torture and in spite of the cruelty and punishment that was the lot of those who were known to be adepts.  History is replete with examples.
There were many such centres of wisdom that we know of. 
The mystery schools of Egypt have been well documented and lasted for a long period.
One very well known one was the Pythagoras School in ancient Greece where both the academic sciences of astronomy and astrology, music and mathematics were taught as well as the more esoteric subjects of wisdom and knowledge.  From this school many great philosophers such as Plato came forth to bring their wisdom to their chosen students.  Pythagoras and thirty eight of his followers were burned to death.  
There was the great school in Mount Carmel where the Essenes lived in the pre-Christian times.  Christianity itself developed from this school.
Later the Cathars in France were persecuted and pursued by the king and the church until they were finally burned alive in Rennes-Le-Chateau.
The time is here now when enlightenment and knowledge is available to all humanity who seek it.  That which was once regarded as secret, available only to kings, high priests and priestesses and initiates is now available to all who seek it.  Numerous books and periodicals are constantly being written and the internet is a great source of information for knowledge and wisdom.   
There are courses in many centres around the world now which people can attend to learn healing techniques, to practice meditation and to listen to speakers who have advanced knowledge.   Secrecy is no longer required and no one is in danger of being persecuted or tortured for speaking the truth as they were in the past.
There is no organisation, no rules, no creed and sometimes even no charge, although often people have given up their careers to give their time their knowledge and their wisdom to make it available to those who seek to learn to heal and teach or to develop spiritually themselves.   Because of the energies on earth now more and more people are opening up to their own inner wisdom.  Many enlightened people walk the earth at this time who are capable of channelling the greatest truths never before available to mankind and have dedicated their lives to sharing their knowledge with all.  Discernment is always necessary of course.  
There are many levels of preparation for Ascension but they have not been in the awareness of the general public.  Humanity in general is unaware of what is about to unfold  even though the signs are visible all around us as old structures are being dismantled in preparation for the new more harmonious systems and ways of living on this earth which are about to become established.

Windows in the Soul.
Let there be many windows in the soul
That all the glory of the universe may beautify it. 
Not the narrow pane of one poor creed
Can catch the radiant rays
That shine from countless sources. 

Tear away the blinds of superstition
Let the light pour through fair windows
Broad as truth itself and high as Heaven.

Why should the spirit peer
Through some priest-curtained orifice
And grope along dim corridors of doubt
When all the splendour from unfathomed seas of space
Might bathe it with their golden seas of love?

Sweep up the debris of decaying faiths,
Sweep down the cobwebs of worn-out faiths
And throw your soul wide open to the light
Of reason and of knowledge.

Turn your ear to all the wordless music of the stars,
And to the voice of nature and goodness,
And your heart will turn to truth and goodness
As the plant turns to the sun.

A thousand hands reach down to help you
From their peace-crowned heights,
And all the forces of the firmament
Will fortify your strength.
Be not afraid to thrust aside half-truths
And grasp the whole.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


As Lemuria sank about 13,000 years ago, the poles shifted and the land of Atlantis rose.  Atlantis was situated between Europe and America and is now submerged under the Atlantic Ocean.   Atlantean civilisation lasted from 53,000 B.C. to 10,000 B.C. approximately, and the Golden Age of Atlantis existed about 20,000 B.C. 
From Lemuria they learned Universal Laws, sacred geometry, astronomy, astrology, crystal technology and many other teachings.

Atlantis was a high technology civilization combined with spiritual awareness of a high order.  In the Golden period of Atlantis, the spiritual energy on earth was the highest it has ever been since that time. It was a time of Heaven on Earth when everyone had access to their higher Selves and to their soul powers of creativity, manifestation and enlightenment.  Some of the Atlanteans were seventh dimensional and most were fifth dimensional frequency and so they lived in peace and harmony and co-operation with each other.

Plato, the Greek philosopher wrote about Atlantis 2000 years ago and he spoke about its culture and beauty.  The sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce, described Atlantis in many of the readings he gave to people who came to him with health problems and he indicated how the problems they were experiencing in this life were directly connected to events in their lives in Atlantis.   Cayce was the most accurate person ever to give readings and unlike now, that was at a time when clairvoyants were few and far between.  When he returned to ordinary consciousness he did not remember anything he had said in the dream state. 
A hospital was built in Virginia and an association called the A.R.E is active still in promoting his work and sharing the cures he gave in his readings.

Some information comes from archaeological excavations and carbon-dated items which proved to be from that era.  Myths about Atlantis are remarkably similar throughout the world and are contained in the stories and myths in many cultures. The Atlanteans were story-tellers with a great capacity for memorising and they passed on information down through the ages.  

Quotation from “The Serpent of Light” by Drunvallo Melchizedek. 
Writing about Atlantis, Drunvallo Melchizedek said “We know this is true, not only because the Mayans say so, but also because of an ancient stone document found by archeologists  in the Yucatan called the Truano Document which is  now located in the British Musuem.  Estimated to be at least 3,500 years old, it was translated by the historian Augustus Le Plongeon and it describes in detail the sinking of Atlantis.”

The Golden Age of Atlantis started around 20,000 B.C. and lasted for almost 10,000 years.  In the Golden age of Atlantis people reached a high degree of spirituality and maintained a constant connection with the Divine.  The Magi or priests and priestesses were alchemists who had very highly developed spiritual powers of telepathy and clairvoyance which they used for the benefit of all the people.  The priestesses embodied feminine wisdom and were highly evolved beings.

The Temple of Poseidon was located in the centre of Atlantis.  The Great Crystal containing the wisdom and knowledge of Atlantis was contained in the Temple of Poseidon.  It was an interdimensional portal into the cosmos and it was a centre for initiation.  All other temples were connected to it. The focal point of each temple was a crystal and these were connected to the magnificent Great Crystal in Poseidon. 

The Atlanteans built stone circles each of which was aligned with a star through which they could attract wisdom from the galaxies and maintain connection with Light Beings from other dimensions.  They enjoyed heaven on earth and lived lives of simplicity and great beauty. 
Atlantis was a high technological civilisation much more advanced than anything we have at the present time.  Crystal technology combined with sound and the power of the mind were used for transport, heating lighting and building. Much of their wisdom teaching was encoded in crystals.          
Towards the end days of Atlantis, Atlanteans abused power through slavery, genetic modification, and cloning of animals and humans.  Those who caused the destruction of Atlantis, through substituting materialism and technology for spirituality and right living have re-incarnated again as well as those whose who maintained the high frequency of Atlantis.  
The last days of Atlantis are symbolic of our world at this time.  There were earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and sinking of land and finally water flooded the earth.  Atlantis sank under the oceans. The priests knew that the end was near and left before the sinking of Atlantis 13,000 years ago.  They sailed to the Yucatan in Mexico, the land of the Mayans, and to Peru, the land of the Incas.  Some went to Egypt and to Greece bringing their treasures of wisdom and knowledge with them.  They brought the Great Crystal of Poseidon with them.  It is said that it now rests in the Bermuda Triangle.   

The original Mayan Calendar was created in Atlantis and was brought to the Yucatan by the priesthood.  Serapis Bey brought the Ascension Flame to Luxor and St.Germain brought the Violet Flame which is now available to all who wish to transform and transmute anything in their lives which is not serving their highest destiny.

Many people who were in Atlantis then are on earth now at this time of magnificent opportunity for change and growth.  Many who are on earth now are at the same vibrational as we were then.  In many ways we are repeating the cycle of Atlantis.  We have the technologies that are capable of destroying the planet and all on it. We are able to interfere with the genetic makeup of animals and human beings but we do not have the higher consciousness to understand the consequences. 

After the fall from grace we made a promise to return if the vibration of humanity ever reached that high level again.  That time is now and it is available to all on earth.  We have another chance to get things right. The opportunities available now are greater than they have ever been.  We have waited 11,500 years to be here at this time of alternate realities and the potential for ascension is greater now than it has ever been on earth.  If we fail to make it this time we could wait another eleven thousand years again but we do have a choice.
In the new golden Age our DNA will be upgraded to twelve strands and our skills and abilities of clairvoyance and other higher faculties which were removed after the fall of Atlantis will be restored again in the new golden age which is emerging.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011



There have been many civilizations that were more advanced than ours in every way, some that go back 500 million years.  Lemuria and Atlantis were two of the most recent that we know about.   Lemuria existed on a large continent where Australia and New Zealand and the Pacific islands are now.  The Lemurian culture flourished for tens of thousands of years and ended suddenly about thirteen years ago. 

Lemuria was a very spiritual civilization.   People vibrated at a fifth dimensional level and so lived in peace and harmony with each other and with all life on earth.  They honoured nature and had no fear of any creature because they were in tune with the essence of all beings.   They were able to merge their consciousness with trees and flowers and every living thing and they were at one with everything.

The Lemurian bodies were ethereal and so they could move easily between dimensions and could travel through time and space anywhere throughout the cosmos in their ethereal bodies.  They connected with stars and galaxies and with Beings of Light from other dimensions.

Because they could connect with each other through telepathy they did not talk a lot but they enjoyed socializing through games and sport and dancing.   Their capacity for joy and laughter and lightness enabled them to maintain a very high frequency.  Competition was unknown but they reached standards of excellence by co-operation and enjoyment.  There was no private ownership but they shared everything.  Their objective in life was to grow and experience spiritually.

They did not use writing but storytellers narrated and preserved their history.  Each storyteller could recite the complete history of Lemuria.   Storytellers were able to convert universal wisdom into stories that were easy to understand and remember.  Stories were also used to entertain people.

The Elders of Lemuria had a high degree of integrity and wisdom and they were acknowledged for their special gifts.  All Lemurians had access to Universal Wisdom but the Elders were the most advanced and it was their special work in society.   The Elders assisted anyone who needed them and were the teachers and educators of the young, helping them to develop their own special gifts.  They also helped the healers in regenerating of physical bodies and light bodies.

They built simple homes and because of their love of beauty they decorated them artistically with objects of natural beauty. The used sound and light extensively.  Through sound they could manipulate even the densest of objects.  They had many different kinds of sounds such as singing, toning, musical instruments and drums.  They could dematerialize and re-materialize enormous objects using certain sounds.

Light temples were constructed on energy vortices, which were gateways or portals into other dimensions.  The Light temples were used for healing and rejuvenation and for recreating Light bodies. Light Temples were doorways into other dimensions and fulfilled a number of functions, for instruction in spiritual and psychic abilities and teaching Universal Laws and Wisdom.  Through the Light Centres they received Gold Light for regenerating new cells. 

They lived long lives and death was a choice to leave the body when they knew they had completed their time on earth.  A celebration was held in a Light Centre with their friends and relations where they celebrated the departure of their loved one to higher levels.   

Before Lemuria sank into the ocean some of the wise ones travelled to Atlantis bringing their knowledge and wisdom with them.  This they encoded in a large crystal and brought it to Poseidon in Atlantis.   The blueprint for this planet was encoded and stored in a giant crystal known as Uluru or Ayers Rock.

A vast cosmic cycle was ending.  The tectonic plates in Lemuria were shifting and there were earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and tidal waves.   Some of the wise ones encoded messages in crystals which were “record keepers” and in crystal skulls to await the time when humanity would again be able to decode their messages.  That time is now when another vast cycle is coming to a close and we have an opportunity to awaken to the evolutionary potential that is available to everyone at this unique time.   

The New Golden Age is not a return to the enlightened eras of ancient civilizations but rather the creation of a new unprecedented time which is being created on earth.  It is a continuation of our present reality into a new evolutionary stage, the end of life as we know it and the birth of the seventh Golden Age which is predicted by many all over the world to begin at the winter solstice in December 2012.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Invocation to the Great Cosmic Light

“We are facing the end of this world as we know it and the beginning of the new world by 2012.”  Barbara Marx Hubbard

“The route of material evolution is over.  Now we can return to the mainstream of cosmic consciousness.   Consciousness is the essential evolutionary principle of the cosmos.”  Jose Arguelles 

We are heroes in a profound transition stage, doing what no collective group of humans has done before.  We are the ones who will birth the future.
There have many steps on this journey, many levels of preparation in the background but not in the awareness of the general public.  Humanity in general is unaware of what is about to unfold.
Invocation to the Great Cosmic Light
Beloved Glorious I AM Presence, Light of my soul, may the Light of
Cosmic Illumination, the Light of Cosmic Victory and Love be
poured into the Earth from all available Sources, like the Light of a
thousand suns to permeate the atmosphere of Earth, to saturate all Her
people and Her many kingdoms.
May all negativity, illusion, glamour and karma be transmuted by this Great Cosmic Light of God that never fails.
May the Great Golden Age of enlightenment, love, peace, brotherhood and prosperity for all be established now upon our planet by the action of this Great Cosmic Light.
By the authority of my I AM Presence and the authority of every I AM Presence of Humanity, all the Kingdoms of the Earth, the Light of the Mother/Father God, by the authority of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood I decree:
As a child of God, "I AM" the authority on Earth, I AM calling for the action of the Light of a thousand suns to be released now on this beloved planet for the immediate transformation of Earth into the "Shining Star" that is Her destiny and for the raising up of all humanity into their Eternal Freedom in the Realms of Light and Divine Perfection.
I request that the Light that is needed to manifest the Kingdom of God on Earth, as it is in Heaven be released now, without limit in accordance and in absolute alignment with Prime Creator's Divine Plan for the Earth, for all of Humanity and all the Kingdoms of the Earth.  And so it is, Beloved I AM.
This decree is very powerful and as you say it, know that you, as a co-creator with Father/Mother God have the full authority to bring it into manifestation.
Repeating this decree at least seven times in succession will firmly establish your intention for that day, and as more people take up this call great good can manifest. 
Do it with great intention and force and frequency.   For you are the hands, voice and feet of the enlightened ones who are working to bring about the greatest changes at this time to facilitate the ascension of the earth and all life upon her so that no one will be left behind.
“It is a fallacy to believe that only a select few will make it into their ascension and that all others will have to repeat their experience on another plan in a future incarnation.  That is not in the Divine Plan.
As we of the Spiritual Hierarchy have stated many times, all on earth will rise with her into the higher dimension.  Many have chosen not to directly experience what will occur in this time, for their task was to set the foundations for what now to happen and having done that, they are choosing to leave the planet.  All is a choice from this time on.  We see as we look at you that you are beginning to realise that.
See yourself as a golden Christ Child, a master of love who has come to the earth at this time to love the earth and all of her kingdoms and all of her humanity back into alignment, wholeness and perfection.
Each day of your life no matter how tried and tested you are, summon forth the inherent strength and tenacity within you and call forth the light into the earth.  We also wish for you to realise that if you are sending this message, then you are one who has chosen this service to earth at this most special time in the earth’s history and the history of the entire galaxy.  That is how important your work is and continues to be.  You are needed now more than ever before.  Hold fast to your light and your highest vision for the new earth and all upon her.  Let go of anything that would keep you from this task for it no longer has any relevance or importance. 
The greatest and most important thing that you can do each day is to remember the light that you are and radiate it outwards to encompass everyone and everything in its path. Be not afraid to radiate this golden light to everyone from you to everyone you encounter for you know not how very much this empowers and assists others on their journey into the light.  We, Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus hold you in our hearts and empower you with our own flame of love light and freedom.    Accept this gift from us and walk your path in full confidence that you are doing the work of the Creator in all that you do each day.