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Friday, January 20, 2012

Prana and photon breathing

Prana and Photon Breathing
Prana breathing and the intake of photons is the breathing system we will use as the dimensions shift.  It will be essential during the Earth’s magnetic shift.  On the new Earth,which is fast approaching, we will breathe in prana and we will take in photons.
“In Lemuria and during other golden ages we breathed prana naturally. 
Pranic and photon breathing is different from yoga breathing in that it takes in prana and photons through the pranic tube which extends vertically through the body and not through the lungs as in yoga.  It doesn’t bend with the spine.
Prana and photons come from the Great Central Sun, from Alcyone and from the Milky Way Galaxy.
This breathing technique can be used to help create a healthy body and to enable you to shift your consciousness from third to the fifth dimensional states.  It can also enable you to reduce your dependence on heavier food.
Prana breathing can take you into deep meditation and it keeps your meridians clear and balanced.” Master Kirael
Kahu Fred Sterling channels Master Kirael and describes prana breathing in this way.
“Exercise:   Stand on the grass and visualise your connection to the deep earth.
Visualise the prana tube extending through the centre of your body out of the top of your head as high as possible and down deep into the earth.
Inhale deeply bringing prana up from the earth into your base chakra, through the prana tube into your heart chakra.  Continue breathing prana from the earth into your heart.
Feel the life force energy flowing up from the Earth.  
Breathe in prana from the cosmic realm far above, down through your crown chakra, the pineal, and thymus and into your heart chakra.
Visualise both flowing simultaneously.  Draw in prana from the Earth and the Cosmos in a continuous flow into your heart. 
As you continue breathing prana from above and below, create a sphere in your heart centre.  Ask that this sphere increase in size until it fills your whole body.
Keep practicing until the process becomes automatic.   Realise that prana is flowing through your whole body.
Relax, allow all parts of your body to receive prana, energising and recharging it.
Prana can cleanse and rejuvenate your body.”
Fine tune your energies every day by breathing through your prana tube.
I have been practising this breathing with my group for some time and in fine weather it is wonderful to do it barefoot, outside in the garden. 
I also often concentrate more on bringing in the photons from the galaxy and in this way bringing the new golden age energies into the Earth.  Frau Kahu Sterling does not make this distinction. Prana and photons come from the Great Central Sun, from Alcyone and from the Milky Way Galaxy.
This breathing technique can be used to help create a healthy body and to enable you to shift your consciousness from third to the fifth dimensional states.  It can also enable you to reduce your dependence on heavier food.
Prana breathing can take you into deep meditation and it keeps your meridians clear and balanced.” Master Kirael
Kahu Fred Sterling channels Master Kirael and describes prana breathing in this way.
“Exercise:   Stand on the grass and visualise your connection to the deep earth.
Visualise the prana tube extending through the centre of your body out of the top of your head as high as possible and down deep into the earth.
Inhale deeply bringing prana up from the earth into your base chakra, through the prana tube into your heart chakra.  Continue breathing prana from the earth into your heart.
Feel the life force energy flowing up from the Earth. 
Breathe in prana from the cosmic realm far above, down through your crown chakra, the pineal, and thymus and into your heart chakra.
Visualise both flowing simultaneously.  Draw in prana from the Earth and the Cosmos in a continuous flow into your heart. 
As you continue breathing prana from above and below, create a sphere in your heart centre.  Ask that this sphere increase in size until it fills your whole body.
Keep practicing until the process becomes automatic.   Realise that prana is flowing through your whole body.
Relax, allow all parts of your body to receive prana, energising and recharging it.
Prana can cleanse and rejuvenate your body.”

Fine tune your energies every day by breathing through your prana tube.
I have been practising this breathing with my group for some time and in fine weather it is wonderful to do it barefoot, outside in the garden. 
I also often concentrate more on bringing in the photons from the galaxy and in this way bringing the new golden age energies into the Earth.  Frau Kahu Sterling does not make this distinction.

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