The Mystery Schools
Approximately every 25,000 the precession of the equinox occurs, during which the earth moves from the centre of the galaxy, in an elliptical pattern moving away from the centre of the galaxy in the first half of its journey, and returning to the centre in the second half.
During the first half as we move away we fall asleep, metaphysically speaking and during the return curve we wake up spiritually. Planet Earth has ended the dark portion of that cycle and is now entering the light period.
But even during all that time true knowledge and wisdom has been kept alive through the mystery schools. Mystery Schools have existed since the time of Atlantis. The Cathedral of the Sacred Heights, sometimes called The Temple of Poseidon was a house of initiation. Within the Temple of Poseidon in the centre of Atlantis there was a great crystal containing the wisdom and knowledge of Atlantis. The Temple of Poseidon was a house of initiation for those who sought wisdom and illumination.
When the Atlantean priests left before the destruction of their country, they brought their knowledge and wisdom with them to the Yucatan in Mexico and to Egypt and South America. They encoded their wisdom in various ways such as in Crystals and Crystal skulls and in other artefacts.
The Temples of Divine Wisdom existed in almost all ancient civilisations, India, Egypt, China, the Mayan Empire of Yucatan, the Incas of Peru. In the Temples of Wisdom the deeper truths were taught to those who were eligible and capable of following the path of true knowledge and wisdom and connecting with the other worlds. The knowledge of the mysteries and the true history of the earth was studied as well as exercises to balance the mind body and spirit.
Usually the kings and initiates, the priests and priestesses were the only ones who had access to these mystery schools. The criterion for acceptance in a mystery school was very high and demanding and many tests were given to ensure that the aspirant was worthy and ready. A complete secrecy was obligatory and severe punishments and expulsion for those who revealed the knowledge they were privileged to discover there.
The reason for the secrecy was well founded because there were those who felt threatened by this knowledge and did not want it to be made available to the general public. Throughout his-tory and her-story, in every age almost, those who were known to carry the wisdom of the sages and the knowledge of the ages were hunted down and persecuted. But still there were always those who secretly preserved the ancient wisdom in the face of the most appalling torture and in spite of the cruelty and punishment that was the lot of those who were known to be adepts. History is replete with examples.
There were many such centres of wisdom that we know of.
The mystery schools of Egypt have been well documented and lasted for a long period. One very well known one was the Pythagoras School in ancient Greece where both the academic sciences of astronomy and astrology, music and mathematics were taught as well as the more esoteric subjects of wisdom and knowledge. From this school many great philosophers such as Plato came forth to bring their wisdom to their chosen students. Pythagoras and thirty eight of his followers were burned to death. There was the great school in Mount Carmel where the Essenes lived in the pre-Christian times. Christianity itself developed from this school. Later the Cathars in France were persecuted and pursued by the king and the church until they were finally burned alive in Rennes-Le-Chateau. The time is here now when enlightenment and knowledge is available to all humanity who seek it. That which was once regarded as secret, available only to kings, high priests and priestesses and initiates is now available to all who seek it. Numerous books and periodicals are constantly being written and the internet is a great source of information for knowledge and wisdom.
There are courses in many centres around the world now which people can attend to learn healing techniques, to practice meditation and to listen to speakers who have advanced knowledge. Secrecy is no longer required and no one is in danger of being persecuted or tortured for speaking the truth as they were in the past.
There is no organisation, no rules, no creed and sometimes even no charge, although often people have given up their careers to give their time their knowledge and their wisdom to make it available to those who seek to learn to heal and teach or to develop spiritually themselves. Because of the energies on earth now more and more people are opening up to their own inner wisdom. Many enlightened people walk the earth at this time who are capable of channelling the greatest truths never before available to mankind and have dedicated their lives to sharing their knowledge with all. Discernment is always necessary of course.
There are many levels of preparation for Ascension but they have not been in the awareness of the general public. Humanity in general is unaware of what is about to unfold even though the signs are visible all around us as old structures are being dismantled in preparation for the new more harmonious systems and ways of living on this earth which are about to become established.
Windows in the Soul.
Let there be many windows in the soul
That all the glory of the universe may beautify it.
Not the narrow pane of one poor creed
Can catch the radiant rays
That shine from countless sources.
Tear away the blinds of superstition
Let the light pour through fair windows
Broad as truth itself and high as Heaven.
Why should the spirit peer
Through some priest-curtained orifice
And grope along dim corridors of doubt
When all the splendour from unfathomed seas of space
Might bathe it with their golden seas of love?
Sweep up the debris of decaying faiths,
Sweep down the cobwebs of worn-out faiths
And throw your soul wide open to the light
Of reason and of knowledge.
Turn your ear to all the wordless music of the stars,
And to the voice of nature and goodness,
And your heart will turn to truth and goodness
As the plant turns to the sun.
A thousand hands reach down to help you
From their peace-crowned heights,
And all the forces of the firmament
Will fortify your strength.
Be not afraid to thrust aside half-truths
And grasp the whole.