On Friday November 11th 2011 the earth received the greatest influx of cosmic energy and light the earth has ever experienced. A new doorway opened bringing peace, oneness, harmony, love and co-operation and connection with others throughout the world. It also signifies the opening of the crystal grids through which our ascension is achieved and Earth’s ascension into the fifth Dimensional realms of Divine Light.
There was a quantum shift in the Earth’s Crystal grid system. This is the system that functions within the body of Mother Earth just as the chakras and meridians function in the human body. This is the system through which our ascension into the fifth dimensional golden age will be achieved.
11 is a master number, the number of transcendence. November 11th was the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the 11th year of the millennium thus forming a triple eleven. It is a huge milestone in the evolution of humanity. It will be easier for many to waken up to what is unfolding on this planet. It represents a change of focus from personal transformation to collective transformation. Many more people are waking up to the realisation that a new time is dawning and that an enormous shift is taking place on earth and are ready to accept it.
There have been many stages and phases in Earth’s evolution since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, each building on that which went before and we have celebrated each one as it unfolded but this has reached new unprecedented levels. It is the first of two great cosmic moments, the next one in 2012.
On Friday 11th thirteen of us gathered in my home to connect with all those around the earth who have gathered to celebrate this event and to help to bring in the cosmic energies. We breathed in prana from the cosmos into our bodies and grounded them into the earth and then we breathed the specific energies of the 11-11-11. and grounded them as well. We held this for exactly eleven minutes and then we brought the green and violet flame of healing through all systems of our bodies thus healing ourselves and the earth. We connected with the energies with many affirmations. Here are a few of them.
I am in the eternal moment of the 11-11-11. I am one with every lightworker who is celebrating the energies of the 11-11-11 activations.
I am grateful for the opportunity to anchor those transforming energies on earth.
I am paving the way for the new Earth.
The I Am Presence of every person is setting the earth on a new course of Divine Light.
May the Great Golden Age of enlightenment, love, peace, harmony and abundance for all be established on Earth.
I give thanks for my life and for my ability to add to the light of the world.
We connected with the lightworkers who have gathered at portals and sacred places all over the earth. Two of our group were in Egypt ; others were in Auckland with Patricia Cota Robles. A huge group from all parts of the earth gathered in Arkansas where the earth is crystal- based and extends for acres on the open ground. They carried with them the crystal skulls of wisdom including the magnificent Max Crystal skull.
Hunbatz Men, the Mayan wisdom keeper, and Drunvallo Melchizeck travelled across U.S.A. carrying another crystal skull. Aine Armour was leading a group in Colorado .
Numerous groups in Ireland travelled to sacred sites all over the country including a group from Cork who held ceremonies in Tara and another group were in Skellig Mhicil in Kerry.
This amazing influx of light was not just for one day. It is now available for everyone to access if they desire. Everyone is free to accept the unfolding opportunities or to reject if that is their inclination and pathway.
In love and light
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