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Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Shift

The Shift

We are on the verge of the greatest shift in consciousness ever experienced on earth.
Reality as we know it will soon cease to be and we will shift to a higher reality.  We are moving rapidly into a new great awakening unlike anything ever before experienced in this world.  Humanity is facing unprecedented changes, that is literally the end of the world as we know it and beginning of a new world.
The goal of mass ascension has eluded mankind for thousands of years because this opportunity occurs only every 25,000 years. the time is now.  The Earth is changing and evolving on a scale beyond precedent.  We live in a world of extraordinary change, encoded in the heavens and foretold in the prophecies of spiritual traditions all over the world.  
Many world religions have foretold that a time would come when heaven would manifest on earth, “as above, so below”. Have we not often said “thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven?” That time is now.
The indigenous peoples all over the world have known about the coming age of enlightenment from ancient times.  The Mayans were a very spiritually advanced people who have preserved their vast knowledge intact until humans were ready to grasp the opportunity that is presenting itself now in our lifetime and until the right time has come.
When we look around we see that all systems are collapsing, from climate change, the economy, the banking systems, religions, medicine and science.   The old paradigms existing on earth are being phased out. The existing way of living on the earth must change before more advanced systems can be created.
Many cycles of Time are converging now - a 25,000 year cycle, and a 250,000 year cycle.  
The Harmonic Convergence in August 1987 marked the end of a great cycle of Time and the beginning of a new one. December 21st. 2012 will be the “Great Convergence” after a twenty five year period of preparation during which a very large number of lightworkers on earth dedicated themselves to bringing in the new Golden Age. 
Lightworkers are people who are committed to using their energies to help birth the Age of peace and prosperity on earth– the new Eden.  There are millions of lightworkers around the world and there are thousands in Ireland, all over the country, who have awakened.   Mystics all over the world speak of anchoring the new consciousness.  A vast number of books in many languages have been written on these subjects and the internet is serving to connect those who are alive to this wonderful opportunity and who want to know more or to connect with other lightworkers.  
It is a tremendous privilege to be alive at this unique time and especially to be aware of the amazing possibilities for creating the new Golden Age which has been spoken of for aeons of time and is now unfolding in our reality.
We are being assisted in this by the Beings of Light from the highest realms who are serving the evolution of the earth.  These are Beings who have once been like us, living a limited form of third dimensional life and who have evolved into a higher consciousness and moved into the higher dimensions.   Out of their great love and compassion for us they are helping us to evolve at this time of great opportunity.  
Humanity has been living in a very limited form of existence for a very long time, shut off from our own Divine Selves and our powerful abilities to co-create the patterns of perfection in our lives and in the world.
The time is short. 
We can attune to a different reality even while structures are collapsing around us.  If you think that this is fanciful or utopian remember all new thinking has been rejected first by the bulk of humanity.  
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.  (Arthur Schopenhauer)

I ask my Higher Self to lead me to enlightenment and the ability to serve humanity and the planet.
I am paving the way for the New Earth of Higher Consciousness.
Everything this day is part of  my highest possible evolution.
I ask my Higher Self to guide me through the energies now available to humanity at this unique time, so that I will be the most perfect instrument of God I can  be to bring the world to the fifth dimensional consciousness of abundance, peace and joy.
In love I magnetize all of God's blessings to me and in love I radiate them out into the world.
May peace and  harmony spread throughout the world and may all souls come to the knowledge of the truth.