Chiron, the planet of Enlightenment

These three planets broke the old paradigms that had prevailed for ages and Chiron guided us to wake up from 13,000 years of conditioning. The discovery of Chiron changed our perspective on everything. It opened the channel to the higher self and showed us how we can embody it fully here in the physical realm.
On February 6th 2011 Chiron entered the sign of Pisces.
Chiron embodies the archetype for the enlightenment of the human being. It shows that our wounds are the key to our enfoldment. We began to see that spirituality was not dependent on religion and to question much of the indoctrination that was prevalent for long ages. We questioned the belief that blind faith was the key to our salvation and we began to question many cherished beliefs previously held.
Chiron concerns health and disease and their relationship to our spiritual journey through life. When Chiron was discovered in 1977, new ways of healing were brought into our reality through the holistic movement, and a new consciousness of caring for the planet emerged through the environmental movement.
All of the self-help holistic systems began in the late nineteen seventies under the influence of Chiron. We began to question long-established customs of relying on the churches and gurus to guide our spiritual development and instead to realise that God was within each of us and we could access our own spirituality.
We also began to question some medical practices and to take some responsibility for own health and well-being by becoming involved in exercise and improving our eating habits. There were very few health centres or gyms before then and yoga tai’chi and chi gong were just beginning to come in.
Meditation groups sprang up at that time in Ireland , as many of us remember and instead of going on retreats we went on meditation weekends. A whole new way of viewing our world had begun. So began the weekend seminars at first given by teachers from U.S.A and England but soon Irish people were conducting courses in Reiki, Reflexology, Massage, and many other healing and spiritual modalities.
Chiron has been labelled the “Wounded Healer”. The wound can be physical, emotional or mental. The essence of the Chiron paradigm is “The gift of the Wound”. When painful traumatic experiences happen to us we tend to see the negative aspect of them but we do not see the blessings, lessons and gifts they confer on us, in the meaning and purpose of our lives and the evolving of consciousness which result as a consequence.
Chiron takes fifty years to make a complete orbit. It has a strange orbit that lies between Saturn and Uranus and it actually crosses over the orbit of these two planets. Whereas Saturn shows the areas in our life where we get stuck and where we can make our weak point our greatest strength, Chiron shows the opportunity in our lives where we can evolve and raise our consciousness.
Chiron moved into Pisces on Sunday last, 6th February 2011 and will be in Pisces for the next nine years. Chiron will be in Pisces for most of 2011 and all of 2012. The effects will be profound and life-enhancing.
Chiron is the embodiment and the archetype for the enlightened human being. He brought in the keys for the potential of enlightenment. Our wounds hold the keys of enlightenment.
Chiron was named after the centaur in Greek mythology. The mythical Chiron was a centaur, (our higher nature) half man, and half beast (our lower nature).
He became the leader of the centaurs.
It was he who informed the human race that the God force could be accessed directly through the application of sacred knowledge and so he attained unsurpassed levels of mastery.
All the great heroes of mythology were initiated by Chiron – Achilles, Hercules and Jason, before embarking on their quests. The story of Prometheus Unbound refers to Chiron, who freed Prometheus from bondage. Later Chiron was wounded in the heel. That is why he is called The Wounded Healer.
Grainne, This is wonderful and so timely to have an Irish view on the shift and such wonderful inspiring information. Best of luck with your new blog and keep up the great work, Ger