Uranus was discovered in 1781. When a planet is discovered the ruling influences of that planet are ready to enter the human consciousness. It takes 84 years for Uranus to pass through all signs of the zodiac and it spends approximately 7 years in each sign.
Uranus has been called the Great Awakener. It is the planet that leads us to break away from anything that restricts us. It is the liberator from conventions. When the time has come to end something in human experience, Uranus is the one that does it, even if it is most uncomfortable for the individual or the wider community. It breaks down old structures that have outlived their usefulness and allows the new ones to emerge.
It is the planet of revolution both in political structures, social conditions and human consciousness. It strikes suddenly and without warning when something has outlived its usefulness. Uranus is the lord of thunder, lightning electricity, eruptions and earthquakes and other sudden manifestations. It is behind every stroke of genius and new inventions and unpredictable events.
The discovery of Uranus in 1781 preceded the revolutions in United States , in France 1789 and in Ireland in 1798. These revolutions transferred power to the people after long ages of domination by kings, emperors and the aristocracy. A new concept of democracy entered the world.
When a planet is in its own sign it is very powerful and we say it is exalted. Aries is the planet in which Uranus is exalted. The point of Aries marks what is going on with the masses of humanity. So Uranus at the point of Aries is a very significant moment in time for the earth and its inhabitants.
From the ephemeris which I downloaded from the computer, I see that Uranus has been in Pisces, for some years now. Pisces is the planet of Religion and spirituality. And you know what has been happening to religion in the past number of years.
Uranus in Aries deals with the breakdown of ideas that have outlived their usefulness and the pioneering of new ideas.
It marks the end of the old paradigm and the beginning of the new one. Uranus is the guiding force for the great shift.
Key words: Great awakener, rebellion, independence, genius, disruption, awakening, revolution.
Uranus breaks down old structures in order for new ones to emerge.
It will be the catalyst for the awakening of mass consciousness on earth.
It will usher in the age of light and it will be the guiding force for the Great Shift.
Uranus will form a square to Pluto on June 6th 2012 and it will form seven squares to Pluto between 2010 and 2019. This aspect brings revolution and evolution. Longstanding corruption and inequality will become intolerable and calls for reform will become more insistent.
The Uranus Pluto square will be the aspect during 2011.
Grainne O Murchu.
7 March 2011
This information is so timely, thank you grainne