“We are facing the end of this world as we know it and the beginning of the new world by 2012.” Barbara Marx Hubbard
“The route of material evolution is over. Now we can return to the mainstream of cosmic consciousness. Consciousness is the essential evolutionary principle of the cosmos.” Jose Arguelles
We are heroes in a profound transition stage, doing what no collective group of humans has done before. We are the ones who will birth the future.
There have many steps on this journey, many levels of preparation in the background but not in the awareness of the general public. Humanity in general is unaware of what is about to unfold.
Invocation to the Great Cosmic Light
Beloved Glorious I AM Presence, Light of my soul, may the Light of
Cosmic Illumination, the Light of Cosmic Victory and Love be
poured into the Earth from all available Sources, like the Light of a
thousand suns to permeate the atmosphere of Earth, to saturate all Her
people and Her many kingdoms.
Cosmic Illumination, the Light of Cosmic Victory and Love be
poured into the Earth from all available Sources, like the Light of a
thousand suns to permeate the atmosphere of Earth, to saturate all Her
people and Her many kingdoms.
May all negativity, illusion, glamour and karma be transmuted by this Great Cosmic Light of God that never fails.
May the Great Golden Age of enlightenment, love, peace, brotherhood and prosperity for all be established now upon our planet by the action of this Great Cosmic Light.
By the authority of my I AM Presence and the authority of every I AM Presence of Humanity, all the Kingdoms of the Earth, the Light of the Mother/Father God, by the authority of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood I decree:
As a child of God, "I AM" the authority on Earth, I AM calling for the action of the Light of a thousand suns to be released now on this beloved planet for the immediate transformation of Earth into the "Shining Star" that is Her destiny and for the raising up of all humanity into their Eternal Freedom in the Realms of Light and Divine Perfection.
I request that the Light that is needed to manifest the Kingdom of God on Earth, as it is in Heaven be released now, without limit in accordance and in absolute alignment with Prime Creator's Divine Plan for the Earth, for all of Humanity and all the Kingdoms of the Earth. And so it is, Beloved I AM.
Source: www.messagestogod.com
This decree is very powerful and as you say it, know that you, as a co-creator with Father/Mother God have the full authority to bring it into manifestation.
Repeating this decree at least seven times in succession will firmly establish your intention for that day, and as more people take up this call great good can manifest.
Do it with great intention and force and frequency. For you are the hands, voice and feet of the enlightened ones who are working to bring about the greatest changes at this time to facilitate the ascension of the earth and all life upon her so that no one will be left behind.
“It is a fallacy to believe that only a select few will make it into their ascension and that all others will have to repeat their experience on another plan in a future incarnation. That is not in the Divine Plan.
As we of the Spiritual Hierarchy have stated many times, all on earth will rise with her into the higher dimension. Many have chosen not to directly experience what will occur in this time, for their task was to set the foundations for what now to happen and having done that, they are choosing to leave the planet. All is a choice from this time on. We see as we look at you that you are beginning to realise that.
See yourself as a golden Christ Child, a master of love who has come to the earth at this time to love the earth and all of her kingdoms and all of her humanity back into alignment, wholeness and perfection.
Each day of your life no matter how tried and tested you are, summon forth the inherent strength and tenacity within you and call forth the light into the earth. We also wish for you to realise that if you are sending this message, then you are one who has chosen this service to earth at this most special time in the earth’s history and the history of the entire galaxy. That is how important your work is and continues to be. You are needed now more than ever before. Hold fast to your light and your highest vision for the new earth and all upon her. Let go of anything that would keep you from this task for it no longer has any relevance or importance.
The greatest and most important thing that you can do each day is to remember the light that you are and radiate it outwards to encompass everyone and everything in its path. Be not afraid to radiate this golden light to everyone from you to everyone you encounter for you know not how very much this empowers and assists others on their journey into the light. We, Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus hold you in our hearts and empower you with our own flame of love light and freedom. Accept this gift from us and walk your path in full confidence that you are doing the work of the Creator in all that you do each day.
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