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Monday, March 5, 2012

Fifth Dimensional Attitudes

Fifth Dimensional Attitudes

This year 2012 heralds a shift in consciousness.  The earth is changing from the deepest density ever experienced into a new era of peace, harmony, empowerment, abundance, unconditional love, and joy.  Enormous changes are emerging in economic, political, religious and social conditions and in every aspect of life.  But the greatest change that is coming is in human consciousness as we leave the dense third dimension behind and enter the fifth dimension. 

The opportunity for change and growth is unprecedented.   This has been foretold by prophets and seers from all cultures for thousands of years.  It is an enormous privilege to be alive on the earth at this time.
The fifth dimension is a state of unconditional love and oneness.
To enter the fifth dimension we need to cultivate unconditional love unlike the conditional love which is the usual experience of most people in the old world. 

We will also need to create a less dense physical body to ascend into the fifth dimension. One of the ways to create a lighter physical body is by breathing prana and cosmic energies as I described in the last blog.
There are many ways through which we can raise the frequency of our bodies.  Eating high frequency food can help us to create lighter bodies and so raise our consciousness.  

High Frequency Foods 

At this time it is very important that we eat high-frequency foods which are more compatible with our high frequency bodies.  Not alone do these unprocessed fresh foods improve out health but they are also important for moving into higher states of consciousness.   We need to avoid eating low-frequency processed foods, and foods which have been cooked in a microwave because it destroys the prana in the food.  

“From ancient times, chlorophyll has been used as a powerful healer.   It is helpful in preventing cancer and arthritis; it builds a high red blood cell count, provides iron to organs, makes the body more alkaline, cleans and deoderizes bowel tissues, helps purify the liver, eliminates body odours and bad breath and improves vision.   The list is endless.  The more chlorophyll we consume the better our intestinal flora and our health will be.   Drinking smoothies is the best way of getting chlorophyll.  
Some foods contain chlorophyll, which is liquid sunlight.  Greens are among the highest source of chlorophyll and include spinach, cabbage, lettuces, asparagus, celery, chard, endives, carrot tops, sprouts, fennel, kale, and many others including some weeds and most fruits.   Wheatgrass juice consists of 70% chlorophyll.  It was discovered by
Doctor Anne Wigmore.
Some of this information in this blog I have read in Victoria Boutenko’s book “Green For Life.”  I have been using the information in this book to make smoothies and I believe it has proved very important during the chemo treatment I have been receiving for cancer and has helped to keep my immune system strong.   I have shared the information with those who come to my weekly meetings and they all agreed the smoothies tasted great.   So not alone  do these foods improve our health, and taste delicious but they are one of the ways of creating higher frequency bodies which is so essential if we wish to enter the fifth dimensional frequency of the new age which is being established on earth in this year 2012.

In my next blog I will discuss some mental and emotional attitudes that are compatible with the fifth dimensional frequency.

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