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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Astrology of 2012

Astrology of 2012

The stars and planets and their aspects to each other do not cause anything to happen but they indicate the energies available on planet earth which facilitate change and opportunities for change.  Observing the changes over a long time and their effects on life on earth it would be difficult to deny their influence. These changes are permanent and irreversible in the case of the outer planets, Saturn, Uranus Neptune and Pluto because these have a longer orbit and consequently affect whole generations, as for instance the effect of Uranus in the 1960’s.   It was a time of enormous, evolutionary changes.

There are two exact squares between Uranus and Pluto this year, one of which occurred on June 24th and another is due on September 18th.   Uranus will square Pluto seven times between 2012 and 2015 leading to intense planetary changes. These squares over the next five years will lead to enormous changes and new ways of living on this planet.

Pluto in Capricorn facilitates the destruction of institutions and structures that have served their usefulness and no longer serve our evolution.   
Uranus is the planet of revolution in politics, social systems and even in conventions and in human consciousness. It is the pioneer of new ideas. It strikes suddenly, without warning and it has lasting effects.  It is also the planet of creativity and new inventions. 

Neptune began a fourteen year passage through Pisces in February 2012 ending in 2026.  Chiron will be in Pisces until 2019 and in conjunction with Neptune during 2012. Chiron taught that the God force could be accessed directly through the application of sacred knowledge.  Chiron is the archetype of the enlightened human being. The conjunction between Neptune and Chiron in the spiritual sign of Pisces is a very powerful spiritual force and its effect will be very transformative in 2012. Neptune, in the watery sign of Pisces can cause floods and heavy rainfall and other natural phenomena.
Neptune dissolves resistance to the spiritual forces of the universe and breaks down egoic boundaries.” Barbara Hand Clow.
Saturn in Libra helps to balance the scales and stabilize the changes taking place.

For a long time now fear has been a dominant emotion on planet earth and fear is the direct opposite of Love. This year the energy of Divine unconditional love is entering the earth as the earth and her people are moving exponentially from fear to Love.   On June 5th a transit of Venus occurred during which Venus, the planet of Love was eclipsing the earth for six hours.   This allowed the energies of Venus to flood the earth, described by Patricia Cota Robles as “the greatest influx of Divine Love ever experienced.”   

The recently held Olympics in London was a demonstration of Love and co-operation of great significance in bringing in the new energies of Love.  For the following two weeks the usual bad news on the airways was replaced by games, exemplifying standards of excellence in every kind of sport, and the joy and happiness of those who took part and the audiences.   

These are examples of some of the planetary influences in 2012.