These are a selection of orbs which I have taken in my front and back gardens sometimes in the morning and sometimes at night. They are not confined to my gardens either. They have appeared in photos I have taken in other countries e.g. Mexico and California .
What are orbs?
They are not ghosts as some might think. Every orb is a visible manifestation of spiritual beings from higher dimensions. They are always there but just beyond the range of our vision. They are associated with crop circles and have been seen moving in the fields just before a crop circle appears.
They come in a variety of colours from white to green, blue, golden yellow, violet and infra red and sometimes a combination of colours.
Orbs are proof of another dimension beyond what we can see in our present limited vision. Enlightened beings from other worlds higher than our dimension are coming closer as we approach “the Shift of the Ages” as we too prepare to move to a higher frequency. The veils between the dimensions are thinning and people everywhere are beginning to see beyond what we ever dreamed of.
Orbs do not remain stationary and are moving constantly as I have observed when I took a succession of photos without any interval in between and I have received different kinds of orbs in each successive picture.
So get out your camera and witness for yourself the beauty of what is out there for all of us.