March 2011
The three outer planets Saturn, Uranus and Pluto opened doors of perception that were unavailable to humanity before their discovery. Pluto, being the most distant from the sun takes 240 years to travel through all the signs of the zodiac and spends approximately 20 years in each sign. At present it has speeded up and will be in Capricorn for 16 years, from 2008 to 2024.
Astrologically Pluto is regarded as the most powerful planet in the solar system. It rules birth, death, sex and transformation, oil and gold. It is also the planet of evolution and the bigger cycles of evolution. It rules the dark primitive instinctual nature – our raw unsophisticated emotions that hide in the shadows. Pluto rules the occult and the hidden things in society.
Its repercussions in our lifestyles are far reaching and transformational. It has the potential for death and destruction. Pluto tears down our habits and belief systems and the structures that Saturn helped to build.
After its discovery in 1930 we saw the rise of Hitler, the great depression, Sigmund Freud and the study of psychology which delved into the hidden corners of the mind. It is known as the generational planet and it is what causes one generation to see things differently from the previous one. Its effects are permanent and irreversible.
When Pluto is in Capricorn it signals a challenge to those in authority, to those in power. The lies that were prevalent for so long are exposed. Pluto is the demolition expert when something has outlived its usefulness.
In 2009 Pluto was square to the point of Aries which rules the masses of humanity. Pluto will be square to Uranus throughout 2012 and that aspect brings massive and permanent changes and sometimes natural disasters.
Its power can be used to create or destroy. Pluto’s power for change begins on a very subtle level and it makes its way up through the lower levels to affect large masses of society. All authority can be challenged under the influence of Pluto as we saw recently when ordinary Irish citizens challenged the authority of the Pope the nuncio and the bishops.
When Pluto is in Capricorn it signifies deep and permanent transformation.
Pluto entered Capricorn in October 2008 and around that time we saw the collapse of Fannie Mae, the Lehmann Brothers and Merril Lynch, which has been followed by the near collapse of our own banks and is affecting economies around the globe. It is causing hardship and distress with many people out of work and short of the bare necessities of life.
Have you noticed any signs of Pluto activity in Ireland in recent times?
Have any lies been exposed? Has the government been challenged?
Has there been deep and permanent change in government?
Has something been rumbling on underground for years and reached the surface just last week?
Has the young generation undergone a change of outlook from previous generations and is it deep and lasting change?
That is how Pluto works and Pluto in Capricorn affects institutions, corporations, business, religions, education, banks, the economy and governments and those in powerful positions.
All life in this galaxy is based on cycles and the position of the planets, stars and constellations and their relation to the galactic centre. If the influence of Pluto was missing, things would remain static and there would be no evolutionary process. So Pluto, the demolition expert, is a positive force for change and evolution allowing the new higher energies of change and growth to develop. Uranus,the Great Awakener, now at the point of Aries, will bring in the age of Light. It will be the catalyst for the awakening of mass consciousness on earth.
It is a huge privilege to be alive at this time of massive change and growth and evolution into a glorious New Golden Age. The position of the stars and planets don’t cause anything to happen in our personal lives. They indicate the general energies we will experience at a particular time in our evolutionary journey. How we deal with them is the important issue. We can resist the changes and try to hold on to the way things have always been or we can see in this time a glorious opportunity.
The Mayans and other indigenous peoples understood their relationship to the cosmos and they foresaw that at this time in the history of our planet that we would go through a period of enormous change, of trials and difficulties but also a time of enormous possibility for transforming our lives and our world. It is encoded in the heavens and foretold in the prophecies of spiritual traditions all over the world.
Grainne O Murchu